you're right, I guess there is a million different contexts to "If baby lisa came home with some nigger we would all say fuck you"
I for one just want to thank Dwaine for once again helping fugly members to become more tolerant and showing us the beauty of other races and diversifications and what can happens when you don't appreciate all of God's children.
No. I could picture you squealing like a schoolgirl, but at the concert pumping your fist and screaming, "YYYEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
I agree he is racist. It's just that obviously he was talking to the guy saying that he wanted to keep the program PC for the most part and not screw it up because someone slipped off camera and there was someone amongst them recording it for the explecit reason of extorting them. Little did he know he was being recorded. It would likely be more obvious if it were not cut off at the beginning and end. Dog is also an idiot that seems rather obvious also.
Really, I don't care what the man says. Like these tv personalities are sparkling fucking clean all of the time. I don't care what they say in their private phone conversations. He's made enough money that he'll live without his show. His wife's boobs are BIG. She must be a... I dunno... Q? Ouch.
I don't see anyone pulling the stupid ass Hogan's show. That douchebag kid ended a guy's life. This is how much he cares... His first blog since the accident: "omggggg its been forever since i blogged...hell i dont even know what blog means but i guess its where you write stuff for people to read anyways my last one was before i even drove for mopar, if you check my pics youll see that i did end up driving for them for my amateur season and most of my pro rookie season. i recently left the mopar team tho...things didnt work out to well but!....i picked up a new title sponsor...POLAROID! and started my own team with twin 350z's pretty cool i know anyways id like everyone to wish my luck for my 08 season and keep john graziano in your prayers"
on a humorous slant, I was reading at a blog site, he made an appearance at a high end performance car show last weekend, and at the same show, poloroid pulled their endorsements. thats pretty awesome and makes me want to buy poloroid products now.
Dwaine. What are you talking about? What is so different about what he said and what you have said on here? I am getting an uncomfortable "twilight zone" like feeling from this thread. Please say something racist just so that I can assure myself that I am still percieving things correctly and am not crazy. This by the way doesn't imply that I am racist. I just require a certain amount of stability.
Saying racist shit for shock and humor value is different from ACTUALLY being racist, D. For instance, Dwaine is a prairie nigger. Does that mean he hates white people? OK, well, probably.
Yeah, I saw that too. I'm not proud, but I think it was TMZ. I go there and read shit several times a week. I think it's great. I can't stand that family. BTW, we are talking about the Hogan kid.
But people who aren't racist still have a subconscious fear of blacks. I found that interesting.