heh A&E have already canceled his show. Fuck that guy!!! typical hypocritical Christan listen to the tape
That and whatver decorations he has hanging off his head. Seashells? Dunno, but they're way kewl. Maybe he and Michael Richards and Don Imus can get a reality series going. "This Thing is Bigot Than the Three of Us." It airs right after "Take That, Douchebag." What a great lead-in.
yeah, each week, all three have to compete in some kind of degrading challenge like "The Ole' Timey Minstral review", where they all have to get into black face, then attached to electrical leads, and asked remedial questions, when they get one right, they get 5 points. One wrong minus 10 points and a good tazzering. and the top two don't gt punched in the throat by our guest celeb on "take That Douchebag" you fags say all you want, but that's must see TV
You think we can get that 'Johnny Al Qaeda' guy on take that douche bag? I think they get in black face and the loser gets kicked out of a van doing 50 in the middle of Detroit.
We'll put a different one in black face each week on a rotational basis. A minstral cycle, if you will. OWWW!!! Sorry.
Now I hate dog, But he is saying exactly what a majority of white people think. His son to fuck him is low. Also him fucking making a call like this knowing he is being watched dumb.
there has to be some resentment there, that asshole has like 30 kids, and only a handful of he kids are treated good, Im sure the other 70% are treated like dog shit in the waffle of his boot. The son sold that tape and got paid
Yeah, I just heard that today. Not sure what to think about it. I think he's sorry because he got caught. I also don't see why he has to kiss Al Sharpton's ass over it. I guess so he can keep his show. I have seen the show a few times but I could never get past his wife's breasts, literally. That has to be painful.
looks like the tape is being cut with the first part missing. This for the purpose of showing it out of real context.
"It wasnt me. My son has been asking for money at an alarming rate, when I told him 'no' the last time, he swore he would 'show me' and I guess he found someone to call him and act like me so he could set me up. This isnt the Kennedy assasination, it's a personal attack from a disgruntled child who got upset when daddy told him the piggy bank was empty, I love people of all ethnicities and backgrounds, if it werent for half of them, I wouldnt even have a show." Thats what he should have responded with.
And followed it with, "I'd love to spit some Beechnut in that dude's eyes and shoot 'em with my old .45..."
I enjoyed it thouroughly, and reading it reminded me of my 'yute' when drinking Jim Beam on the tailgate of my pickup truck was all I needed to do to get lucky.