Family is giving out Reese's peanut butter cups, twizzlers, jolly ranchers, crunch bars (all varieties in a value pack), and whoppers.
I do that, which is why I only buy candy I like. This year we're giving out snickers, almond joys, kit kats, reese's peanut butter cups, candy corn, mounds, 3 musketeers, 100,000 bars, tater tots, and egg salad sandwich pie.
Mini bags of doritos, mini boxes/packages of Smarties, Coffee Crisp, Kit Kat, Reese's peanut butter cups, Aero, and a variety of those gummy food candies (pizza, hot dogs, etc.).
Didnt buy anything which is good, because nobody came. I think it was the rotten eggs we threw at them last year.
Willy Wonka grab bag deal, with nerds, bottle caps and all. of course i told all the ones that showed up with no costume that they werent trick or treating, they were just begging for candy.....
I had to hand out the candy because when I offered the bowl, little urchins started two-fisting my candy. But we had Reese's cups, Crunch, Snickers, and Tootsie Rolls - the good stuff. I went as Tommy Tuberville - orange AU hat, orange AU shirt, khakis, tennis shoes, headset over the hat, and a boom mike around my cheek. Picture this but with Dave Coulier's face.
At least I passed on the 1000 for a dollar orange and black wrapped peanut butter candy this year. And Tootsie Rolls, though fecal in appearance, are not too terrible. They're just filler anyway.
He wasnt giving them out, he was doing the dance, "Cotton candy, sweet as gold, let me see you tootsie roll" Something like that. BIT O' HONEY (that and candy corn) makes me yak.
Bit-O-Honey is alright. Kinda like Sugar Daddy and Sugar Babies. Candy corn is disgusting. Those orange and black things are called Mary Janes (I believe) and depending on the brand, aren't all that bad sometimes. Horror of all horrors Necco makes them.
Circus Peanut things? Are they marshmallow and glucosey tasting? I think I know what you are talking about and they are terrble.