yeah, that is a problem, Twilight princess did it right though, and wii sports couldn't possibly fuck it up. It's most those third person game. Metroid prime 3 mad every other console shooter look sad though, its controls were just that fucking good.
twilight princess was great, scarface, prince two thrones, elebits, all of those make me want to puke
I wouldn't try and buy any games not made by big companies yet, all the nintendo games (no mario party) are pretty good for it. Super Paper Mario was fun, the main problem with camera is that theres only one analog. The most they could do is have a button that puts it behind you. I dont know what made Zelda's camera system so exceptional though, it just seemed to work.
I've got a Wii and a 360, and what it all boils down to is what you feel like playing at the time. If I have the time to spare, and want to fully immerse myself in 1080 gaming with surround sound, I'll play the 360. If I want to just kill some time and have fun (or, if I'm entertaining) - I'll start passing out Wii remotes to people. The Wii is just downright fun, and I can't fault it in any way. The 360 is also downright fun (but in a different way) - to decide between the two requires an examination on what kind of games you play, and what you're looking for in a system.
I think Ill actually just go with the Wii. Its cheaper and so are the games. Gonna have some friends over to play it with too, hopefully that works out.
your gonna get sick of the wii fast. it seems like the system that you want out for parties but thats it. and the red ring of death, microsoft fixes that for free now.
Good games for the wii currently Zelda Wii Sports (included) Paper Mario Metroid Prime 3 Trauma Center: Second Oppinion (if you didn't play the DS version) Mercury City meltdown revolution (20 bucks and lots of puzzles) And recently Zack and Wiki (I rented it and it is very well done. It'll turn you off at first because the monkey doesnt shut the fuck up, but he quickly does. Very Clever game with it's puzzles and gives you a great sense of accomplishment.) MLB Power Pro Baseball (haven't played it, but it got good reviews.) Stay the FUCK away from any other games, the rest are out for a cheap buck
Well three things that Im buying this because of: 1) cheaper system, cheaper games 2) won't really get tired of it if Im rarely going tobe playing it now am I? 3)Ive seen most popular games on each(xbox/wii) and imo its a tie between the games that interest me.
Wii bubble to burst as developers shy away? hm... Seems profits are way up? And those are just shit developers backing off. Capcom, Konami and others will still deliver stellar titles now that they realize shit don't sell. Well.....Madden still sells in the millions every year. Hmm.