Dont know what to get: Wii or Xbox360

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by nolo451, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    I think Ill want to buy a Wii/Xbox360 like in December or January,soon as I save up. Dont know which to get, any advice, pros cons on both?
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    xbox360, wii is a toy that makes adults motion sick
  3. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Pros: Very inntuitive, your a college student and Super Smash Bros Brawl will be awesome, Good games to keep you occupied for the time being (Zelda, Paper Mario, Metroid, Wario ware), Chicks dig it, great games (mario galaxy, Brawl and medal of honor with some others) on the way, Virtual Console is a great investment (especially since it's now selling games unrealeased in america), Madden is a lot of fun on it, Warioware will make you burn through calories like mad, really cheap

    Cons: the games I just said were the only goods ones really out, last gen graphics (although metroid looks completly awesome), recharging batteries

    Xbox 360
    Pros: Great Grapics, great game selection for being out a year before the others (had a very poor lineup to start like ps3 and wii), Xbox live is the best online ever, support from most major game companies, most likely MGS4 and FFXIII will be on it

    Cons: No great rpgs, Xbox live arcade is laking outside of Doom and Geometry wars, lots and lots of fps's, Viva Pinata, If you ever looked at a halo fan boy and said "Fuck, what a dumb ass" you'll soon realize that's where everyone is on live and you'll eventually have to join them, red ring of death could ruin your system.

    Pros: Ratchet and Clank Future maybe?

    Cons: things fucking huge, games suck my dick and six axis is the dumbest shit ass fuck of a thing I've ever seen

    Overall it's up to you, are you more hardcore or like to party with friends more. For the hardcore, 360, no question. Wii is a system for friends mostly, although galaxy and metroid are excellent one player games.

    I own all three, don't buy PS3. Favorite system, none of these. The DS is the best system in my eyes.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2007
  4. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    My girlfriend already has a PS3, I just want something different.
  5. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    PS3 could be considered hardcore, so you may want a party system. Really revolves around if you like nintendo games or not.
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    if you want new games, get a 360, if you want retro, and gamecube graphics, get a wii, I'll sell you mine for $175. I am selling it local for $200
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You can get 170 for it at ebgames plus 20 dollars in store credit.
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I might do that, there is a gamestop, and ebgames 4 doors from each other, but they are both the same company
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    360... wii just looks gay
  10. zigger

    zigger New Member

    fern makes a good point like he is a fucking columnist.

    if you wanna work out get the wii.
    if you like killing people get the 360.

    theres more to it but thats your basis.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Buy two 360s so you'll have a spare when your first one goes tits up. Then swap them each time you see the "red ring of death."
  12. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    I do write a mean article.
  13. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    looks isnt an issue here.
  14. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    It depends on how hardcore of a gamer you are man, more hardcore would tend to prefer the intense competition of Xbox live while Wii offers more fast fun games (Zack and Wiki just got rave reviews so it seems wii was just suffering from the firs year drought every game system goes through, and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 will feature a classic rail shooter experience as well as 32 man online wars to satisfy your competitive edge). But really they are both great systems, just stay the hell away from that abomination that is the PS3.

    Xbox 360 currently just looks more appealing because it's going into it's 3rd year, when most systems shine the brightest. Wii and that thing that calls itself a system are coming into their 2nd and people are already noticed a new rush of good games for the Wii (Manhunt 2, NiGHTS, Galaxy, MoHH2, Zack and Wiki, Brawl, Raving Rabbids 2) which is mostly because developers realize they can't make that quick buck they used to on it, they actually have to put effort in the game. And being too kiddy shouldn't come as a surprise, Nintendo has always been a family console, but it's not like it's hardcore family, Manhunt 2 will have you choking people with the cord that attaches the Wii mote to the Nun chuck, No kidding! Nintendo is currently on top too, so it's not going anywhere and developers will take notice and start pumping out better games for the system.

    Xbox isn't going anywhere since it's usually the first system to come out to reign supreme, it has the most games and the most games in development so people would be most drawn to it; And who shouldn't be, MGS4, FFXIII, good shit. Though this is the holiday season, and most companies have already exhausted their wonder games (Halo 3, Bioshock, Orange Box). Not Nintendo since they have been int he buisness far longer than sony or microsoft and they seem to be making an effort to make no drought happen again, with Brawl coming out in November. However, your new to the new systems so 360 would have a wealth of old games for you to play anyway, so it wouldn't really matter.

    Really it's up to you though, both are great and I wouldn't reccomend one over the other, they are both the top of thier tier.
  15. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Get the 360 the games are more adult. I liked the wii at first then the novelty wore off. The games are more geared towards a younger crowd.

    The controls are not that great after a few months, It's a choir to get certain games to respond the way you want.

    360+live+broadband= owns everything else that is out.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    We've had a 360 for over a year now, so far so good. I got a two year warranty through Circuit City on it anyway.
  17. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    The Wii seems to appeal to children, females, and old folks. The controls are intuitive and, having a generational or gender-based predisposition to lesser tested dexterity or hand/eye coordination, this demographic leans toward the point-and-click Wii interface.

    Or not.
  18. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I'm on my 3rd and its showing signs of impending demise. Between Grim, Phatboy, and myself, we've been through several 360s. But I don't "wear it out." I'm a casual gamer and I take care of my console. Just lucky, I guess.
  19. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Wii appeals to party people too, ever seen people play drunken wii sports. It's hilarious.
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    the Wii camera on games makes me motion sick

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