Direct TV

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Should I get rid of my cable and get it? Is it a rip off? It looks like it is going to be cheaper than my cable bill and it will include more channels (well, more than what I pay for). If the cable company hadn't made a big mistake, I'd really be getting fucked over by them and now my Showtime is gone. I think I haven't been paying for it anyway. I didn't see it on my bill.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    And does anyone know off hand what package includes the Chiller channel? I don't see it on any of them, but I know that they offer it and I want it because I can watch Friday the 13th the Series again. At least if they still air it...
  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I've had DirecTV for years and I have no problems with it. I have the HD package and it looks great. I guess Dish is basically the same. We just had a problem here a few years back where the cable was shitty for I went with Direct. I like it, personally.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I just hate the dish. Can they put it on the backside of the house or something?
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Last time I looked, I had Chiller but I don't know if it was a promotional thing. I'll get back to you. I just have the basic HD package.
  6. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I think it has to face the Southern skies so it depends on how your place is situated. Some installers don't want to put them directly on the house and will plant a pole in the yard. Mine is behind a small fence and obscured by a bush so it's hardly visible from the street. Of course, my place was designed by Barry so he planned ahead for that.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Direct TV fucked me in the ass when I got digital phone
  8. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    i HATE cable. i cant wait till i get satellite again.
  9. zigger

    zigger New Member

    i had satelite with the illegal card for awhile, but they busted them so no more, but the only bad thing was is when it rains or storms that it goes out.
  10. nolo451

    nolo451 New Member

    ah yeah I remember using an illegal card with Dish. Those 3 yrs rocked, I got everything, every nfl, nba and mlb game and every payperview movie, etc. had to stop cuz the guy got caught that made them, well thats what my friend that knew him told me.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    If there is a real turd-floater rainstorm going on, it will obscure the dish where I can't get a picture but I had the same problem with my cable service at the time. Usually just during a normal thunderstorm (and we have plenty down here in LA) it's fine.
  12. jessestuber

    jessestuber New Member

    Get Dish Network. Thats what i have and its awesome. i dont have any problems with rainstorms and ive got an everything packae and its a lil more than 50 bucks. well everything except like HBO and other big name movie channels. you get like encore with the package so thats cool.

    and hell they send me like card things to give people so they get free activation and like an extra 5 bucks off per month for like 10 months or some shit. if ya want it i can email the code on it. does anybody else that has dish get those cards? it looks like a credit card or whatever and has a code on it.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I briefly checked in to Dish Network, but Direct TV looked like a better deal. I'll have to look into it again. I really want that Chiller Channel though and Dish Network doesn't have it.

    Also Direct TV is doing free Showtime for three months, so I should be able to finish this season of Weeds and Dexter for free. Dish Network is giving away 3 mos. of HBO and that would be useless to me.

    What's the deal with the satellite internet? It looks totally expensive.
  14. jessestuber

    jessestuber New Member

    if your talking about direct tv satalite internet then Do NOT get it. my brother had it for awhile and it was shit. the connection is interupeted all the time. so if you want to download stuff it aint worth it. when it got dish they game me starz for 3 months free....that ws the preomotion they had.. and id say if your looking for stuff wait a bit and i bet somone is gonna have a holiday deal.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I figure I will keep my cable internet and get the dish for television.

    I looked at the satellite internet and there is a 200 lease fee and that is fucking stupid. Why would you want to do that?
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Satellite internet is expensive but if you live in remote areas where ADSL/DSL/Cable is unavailable, it's your only alternative.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh. I see.

    Actually my cable is really fucked up. Ever since I got a new DVR box, I have been getting every channel on it. I'm not supposed to get all of these channels. And my other digital box isn't getting Showtime like it should, but is getting other channels that I shouldn't have. So I get Showtime in one room and not another. Hell, I don't even know what I am supposed to have anymore, but I know my bill is way less than I'm thinking it should be.

    I don't feel like dicking with it. I hate spending my free time on hold trying to correct their fuck up, so I guess I will just let it ride.
  18. Phaedra

    Phaedra New Member

    I don't have satellite, but I used to and I liked Direct much better than Dish. Mostly cause Dish stopped carrying some of the channels that I sometimes like to have the option to watch. Don't know if they have them now but doesn't matter really.
    The signal really doesn't go out that often. Not as often as cable would have you believe. If there is like a major huge downpour it'll block the signal, or if you live in a place where it snows and snows in the winter then you'll have signal issues with that too. Satellite is worth the money in my opinion. The Tivo thing is nice too.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, I had to call the cable company and should I have kept my mouth shut about all of the extra channels, they would have activated the DVR and I would have had a bunch of free channels (because my bill wasn't coded for any of them), so now my bill is going from 78 to 111/mo (incl internet). But it would run about the same with Direct TV and keeping their internet, so it looks like I will just forget about satellite.
  20. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I do have the Chiller Channel on the basic package. Not to sway you, just a follow up.

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