OK... I absolutely, positively, without a doubt, NEED to find somewhere to download an episode of this Jerry Springer spin-off show "The Steve Wilkos Show" (Season 1, Episode 25: "I live under the bridge") Steve goes to the streets of San Antonio and finds a homeless family living under a bridge. Their apartment burned down and now they live on the streets to survive. Can Steve save them? I'll explain later, and if someone can find this episode on the 'net (in a watchable/downloadable format), I'll forever be your slave. Or at least pat you on the back. Maybe even post a thank you to this forum. Who knows. I just need the fucking video.
I guess it's still too new, or maybe not that popular (maybe both)... I've never seen the show, but I have to find this episode!
I caught the ass end of one. He was talking to a kid in a jail cell about doing everything your parents tell you. The mom was really big with bad teeth. I can just picture her saying, "Go get me another hotdog and some sugar cubes!" and this poor boy doing it because big bad-ass Steve told him to. Why Lomo? Did you go to school with this guy or something?
Whats tivo and are you gonna post the addy so we can watch it you cryptic bastard. Got me curious now us limeys enjoyed jerry springer when he erupted on our screens,for about 5 years i thought you all lived in trailers and called each other 'mofo' as a term of endearment. Could do with seeing at least one of this show put my mind at rest.
You got a DVD with an HD and burner? Just hook that in the TV and thru the Tivo and play it and record to the HD then burn it out to DVD then rip it to AVI.
Youve gotta good point there maj my litenary equal,when we telling everyone else about us?? Careful how you tell dwaine and pimp,they'll probably go for your throat. Go now maj there are other worlds than these.