I manned it out and decided to stay awake for it. Really it was nothing, it took 2 minutes lol. The dentist was creepy though, one of those over enthusiastic indian guys. Kept making jokes to make you feel more nervous.
I wanted them back, but there was this whole speel about how thats dangerous and that they couldn't. With enough arguing though, i got them.
why would it be dangerous? what could you possibly do with them, clone yourself illegally? i mean really.
Oh yeah, you would do that. Then there would be twice as many of you causing trouble and writing letters to the editor.
ack, was fun last night though. 1 on 2 is a lot more difficult than i thought. Especially when I have a fucking mega turret to deal with.
I'm good, much better than most people you'll meet online. I took on Moskau and another player just by myself. I won a match agaisnt both too. Then they got wise and just put turrents in a weird spot and then had a scout come and annoy me while i try to destroy it.
yeah we teamed up with one of my other friends and some other dude won like 5 or 6 in a row without a problem. People say the Demoman is gimped I make them cry as their whole team sees You have been Killed by Moskau Khan. See the problem people have playing Demoman is they try to shoot at you like a normal gun. Which the grenades are easy to dodge. The whole key to the class is traps and bank shots.
Yeah, I was on a team where we all agreed to be demomen, it was a 16 game and they stood no chance since it was just this tidal wave of grenades bouncing everywhere. It was fun, but the explosions caused lag....lots of it.
I had a good time during mine. I was awake but totally out of it. I would love to recreate that buzz.
damn i cant wait. i should be getting it soon, i wanna see if it is going to be cheaper on black friday and check ebay soon
Yeah I know, just it usually doesn't lower the price of games. Maybe used games, but thats all I can see.