How can i tell? Phatboy and Maj Havoc always stop posting simultaneously. Wonder which exercise it is this time? Perhaps they are getting taught how to round up a disgruntled, starving populace using the kewl new microwave crowd control technology? Or maybe it's learning how to operate the giant shrink-wrapping machines that have been developed in order to shrink wrap cadavers after a 'terrorist' biological agent attack? Whatever it is, i'm sure it's exciting! Boys and their toys, eh?
It's cute and its cool terrorist can exploit easily open boarders and a free society. I say tit for tat if they take out a thousand of ours indiscriminately. Then since they are Arabs and Arabs are the ones stirring the shit. We take out 100 of then for each of ours. Think god it's a war on terror not a war on a specific country. Syria, Iran, or whoever else cannot pull that terror by proxy "Hey it was not us" shit.
...but not Joe? Maybe it is really me who is a babbling, disjointed moron and Joe a refined and literate individual? Or maybe Moskao's little chum is thoughtfully alerting us to his being a mentally impaired subnormal? What is the answer to this conundrum? Very puzzling...
I heard about this actually, its not a good omen considering they used this excuse to cover up 2 other events, that I know of anyway.
Thankyou, Dwaine. It all makes perfect sense now. I just had trouble believing anyone could be quite so stupid as Zigger the nigger, so had a brief identity crisis.
yup i am a nigger. how did you know? and nursey your posts are just circles around themselves and make no sense what so ever.
I was playing Army this weekend but I don't know about phatboy. It is nice to be missed, though. *sloppy kisses*
Homeland Security IS doing a drill! On Tuesday Portland, Phoenix, and Guam will be the targets of imaginary dirty bombs, and everyone is going to pretend panic. Yay!