My wife just calls me to tell me she is heading home because the mall is being evacuated due to a gas leak. Turns out our El Chico's closed down 3 days ago without telling the mall or the employees just up and went out of business. Someone left 3 pioltlites on spewing gas for the last 3 days. Someone just noticed it tonight. So they all for evacuation. My wife calls her new store manger to tell him, that have a mandatory evac of the mall and this motherfucker wants her to keep the store open. He was like are the other big stores closing and she tells him yes it's a MANDTORY EVAC from the fire dept. He tells her he is not sure about closing. He has no motherfucking choice one end of the mall is full of fucking GAS! I'm glad she got this new job with the city tax office and gave notice at that place today. Fucking retards I swear. Yeah lets keep a store open in a building that has to be pumped out and the slightest spark will blow it sky high.
Hey Grim the place I work has had bomb threats in the past and noone was told,security did a search and it was business as usual.Might lose a few bucks if they closed.
I worked at a convenience store in Raleigh and my dad was taken to the hospital with a massive heart attack. My family told me that he might not make it through the night, so I called my boss and told him I needed someone to take my spot. He told me "YOU CANNOT LEAVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, SOMEONE WILL RELIEVE YOU AT 8 AM!!" I left, left the doors open, and lets just say service distributing company had a "blow out" everything must go sale one night. I didn't get my last paycheck either.
We have bomb threats at my place all the time. We ignore them and go on business as usual. I mean it's a 1 and whatever chance of it being the real deal. But a gas leak that has went unchecked for 3 days and could be smelt halfway down the wall is another ball of wax.
The company loses money either way, its just a case of what do they lose more for; a paid day off work for an employee, or lack of business for a day. now you can see they're all a bunch of money grabbing cunts, if you didnt already. it would be funny if everyone in a country went on strike at once, but sadly that wont happen.
Yeah, fuck that! I used to work night audit at a hotel... actually I did it for like 6 years at different hotels, but this one in particular, I would lock up and go to the store or the drive-thru in the middle of the night. One night, I left to go wash my car. The guy that worked at the hotel next to us would leave too and we would go walk around. It's not like the manager is going to come in at 3AM.
I'd have done the same goddamn thing... But I'd raise holy fucking hell if they withheld my final payroll clearance. You should sue those bastards - who cares how long has passed. That, or firebomb their establishment at some point.