You thought the VAgina odored calogne was bad,

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Jones' soda company, yes the guys who make the turkey and dressing soda, have a new "Seattle Seahawks flavor pack".

    what are these WONDERFUL new flavors you ask?
    1.Natural Field Turf Soda, Oh Joy, i just can never get ENOUGH of the flavor of wheatgrass, now i can enjoy it ice cold, carbonated and with sugar!
    2.Sports Cream Soda, Yummy, people always catch me sucking on a tub of Icy-hot, now i can drink it! YUM YUM!
    3.Perspiration Soda Hmmm ever wondered what it would taste lke to lick the area between the nutsack, and thigh on a homeless bum, on a 90 degree summer day? Well wonder no more!!!
    4.Dirt Soda, what KIND of dirt? Sand?fill dirt? compost?!?!?! I wouldn't suggest this to anyone who has ever been buried alive. I hope it comes in diet.
    5.The 5th one is Sweet victory, I would assume it is the flavor of congealed orphans blood, I could be wrong though.

    The thanksgiving pack was kinda campy, and different, but I could handle Turkey and dressing soda, perspiration is just wayyyyyyyy too over the line of good taste. I'll post the thanksgiving pack if you guys want to see it. I must admit, Pumpkin Pie Flavored soda doesn't sound that bad. Green Bean casserole is disgusting in any form.
  2. fuckstick

    fuckstick New Member

    Candy corn soda sucks really bad as well.
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    that has to be a Jone's flavr, it sounds like something they, or possibly Faygo wold make
  4. fuckstick

    fuckstick New Member

    Yeah it was Jone.
  5. Fat-N-Sassy

    Fat-N-Sassy New Member

    I like the smell of wippeing back to front and stale mensus.

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