I dont keep it a secret, I just dont tell anybody about it. Kinda like farting, you dont tell everybody you did it, they just know.
I mentioned Fugly to my ex and he said "haha, I forgot about that place" which led me to believe that everyone on earth already knows about it, like Friendster.
I've told a few people but it is tough to compete against TV,maybe an American Idol theme would help,vote people on or off.Ah fuck it TV is running out of ideas anyway they are resorting to bringing back anything that worked before www.nbc.com/Bionic_Woman
I thought it was physically impossible to hate all of you anymore than I already do, then you go and prove me wrong again. Thanks for fucking up my safety barrier, dicks
Well, at least you don't keep your feelings for us a secret. Thank you for being so open and honest. Now let's all join cyber hands and sing Abraham, Martin & John.
I'll start... Anybody here seen my old friend Abraham? Can you tell me where he's gone? He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young You know I just looked around and he's gone Okay... now DWAINE!
She was so beautiful I HAD TO KILL HER! Tied her up And taped her mouth shut Couldn't scream Raped violently Rope tight, around her throat Her body twitches As she chokes Strangulation caused her death Just like all the others Raped before and after death Stripped, raped, tortured Oh wait, how does that song go again?
http://www.nbc.com/Bionic_Woman/ Nice to bad I never watch TV. If you hired a bionic hooker though that would not be infidelity right? Hell for that matter would it really be prostitution? And what kind of advantage might there be with a bionic snatch?
Your verse was about John. I'm not sure why they didn't name the song Abraham, John, Martin and Bobby. Guess it wasn't as poetic.
I watch certain stuff. Not sitcoms though. And for the record, Nick at Nite is totally shitty now. It's fucking Home Improvements and George Lopez and stupid shit.