After moaning and writhing and gnashing my teeth over my math homework all week, I got 15 out of 15 on the concept check today. There is hope for me yet! We're going to the coast this weekend and I have to spend most of my time studying, because there's a test next week. Damn.
Grim being Grim And since a physicist studies all aspects of science. Why not? The world is your canvas pick something and go for it. When someone makes you angry just wait and give them more time they will almost always eventually impress you. Experience is what you get when you don't get to do what you want to do. Brick walls are there for a reason: They let us prove how badly we want things. If you lead yourself the right way good things will come to you.
He's right, think of Regan when he saw a brick wall he was all "Fuck this wall" and he tore it the fuck down.
No, i think Bluevulva just wants us all to know she is really, really, really intelligent. It's apparent she doesn't just wear hoops but jumps through them as well!
I'm just working on the math part right now... I just started, and it's not my strong suit, but it's getting easier. Right now I only have time for one class at a time, and it kind of sucks to be the only 36-year-old in Math 20, but, well, I have to start somewhere. Maybe by the time I'm 50 I'll have a degree.
I misspell "weird" all the time. I can never get that "i before e except after c and in the case of certain random other words" thing right. Words with apostrophes get me sometimes, too.
Right, that's totally why I'm "bragging" about struggling with my first math class at community college. Because I want you all to see how smrt I am.
Nursey, why are you so obsessed with my genitals? You hardly ever address me or refer to me without mentioning my reproductive organs. It's not that it bothers *me*, it's just kind of an odd fixation and I'm not sure it's entirely healthy.