No but if your a militant Islamic with a desire to gain access to key potential security infrastructures under the purview of government control. Then you get to skip the test they just hire you. Because as you know they are way behind on their quota for militant Islamics. They do have to be fair you know.
1) If you had one bucket with 5 gallons and another bucket with 10 gallons, how many buckets would you have?
One bucket + another bucket = 2 buckets Unless you had more and didn't mention it. I would say that there wasn't enough information to answer that question correctly.
Was it a five gallon bucket with five gallons or a ten gallon bucket with five gallons. And what about the ten gallons that was not in a five gallons bucket was it? Cause I just do not think that’s possible unless it was in an altered state say frozen water for instance. And are there any other buckets not mentioned. I'm leaning towards two confirmed buckets. That is if the source is reliable. Is this a trick question?
QUESTION TYPE 5: ANALYTICAL REASONING In the analytical reasoning section, you are presented with short passages of text. Your task is to answer a set of questions about each passage. For a given passage, the individual questions are independent of each other. Also, information contained in one question (or its answer choices) should not be used to answer other questions. In answering some of the analytical reasoning questions, you may find it useful to draw a diagram. Sample Passage There are four houses on one side of a city street. Each house belongs to a different person who lives in the house. The owners of the houses are Amy, Barnes, Clidewell and Dombrowski. Each owns one car and the colours of these cars are white, red, blue and green. Furthermore: Dombrowski owns the white car Barnes' house is not at either end of the street Amy owns the second house from the left Clidewell owns the blue car Sample Question 1. Which people own the red and the green cars? Barnes and Amy Barnes and Dombrowski Clidewell and Barnes Dombrowski and Amy Clidewell and Amy The sample passage indicates that Dombrowski owns a white car and Clidewell owns a blue car. The only other people mentioned in the passage are Barnes and Amy, so they must be the owners of the red and the green cars. Choice (1) is therefore the correct answer, so you would darken circle number 1 on your answer sheet as illustrated below. Just a sample question from a government test here in Canada for public service.I took a few of them, time is your enemy in most of them and they try to make some of the questions as confusing as possible. Good luck don't take it hungover unless you want your head to explode