Yea, he's probably so pissed off he pinched the head off his 'New Kids on the Block' butt plug...........
I think it is all payback for you posting about taking chicken finger dumps and having the taco salad squirts.
You must have missed those posts from when he was bored at work. They were about eating chicken fingers and then 'taking the Browns to the super bowl' afterwards. The taco salad squirts were pretty much the same thing.
Oh... I thought that you were talking about me... now it makes sense. I posted about a campbell's soup can turd.
Yea, I remember, good times...... Fugly used to get on to him about those, so maybe this is his revenge, to make him suffer through senseless ads and spam, finally getting the 'server busy' error. Thats what happens when you use 'roadrunner'.....
I'm Moskau Fern. This is my old account something is wrong with my moskau account here. So I reset my password on my old name finally. Joe don't you have some right wing propaganda to spew or something. Leave my followers alone lol.