What do you know Baldy Barry? I have the North Carolina Swat team at his house right now. They are all in the yard, and surrounding his house as we speak. I am watching it live on Google Earth. I'll let you know if Dwaine cries like a baby when they Taser him. Stay tuned for pictures.
yehawwwwwww!!!!!!! here is the arrest video!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kVjZIFG708 chuckle chuckle guawwffff hahaha
He claims to be a 'bro. He didn't look black in his world record peircing photos, but hey, if the guy claims blood, he be blood. He does have the lips for it. The undersize pecker invalidates his claim though.
You are much crazier than I though. Don;t be offended when I password protect my broadband wireless router tomorrow morning. And tell your buddy Chris to stop crawling over the ceiling tiles. No kidding. I'll have her ass arrested the next time I see her looking down on me.
Please die. All of you. There is absolutely no hope for this place, is there? Please enjoy destroying this place for a while. I have a new job and won't be checking in for about a month. I've left it in some capable hands though, so don't worry. Nobody is watching.
Now thats funny. Barry do you work next to a kindercare? I thought you were supposed to be 1000ft away from places like that?
I'm serious. It's like a whole zoo full of monkeys have invaded the office next door. Dang college kids. They think that everything has to be wild and crazy all the time.
What we "do" bOYFAT is print specialty calenders. My friends stop by occasionally, and we sit on the back deck and eat lunch. That is where Barry comes in. He crashes our party. We thought he was kind of cool and stuff until we caught him under the deck looking up our dresses. That and the way he always analyzes everything we say.