Calling all fans

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I have reserved control booth seating at Wings Sports Bar Saturday night. They have Aub/NM and Alabama/Georgia side by side on the big screens. I will pay the tab for whoever shows up, but you must be a Fugly regular and RSVP by 12:00PM tomorrow.

    Rumor has it that it may be well attended. I am hoping for a Cameo apperance by Bugs, and maybe even the Mobile, Al crowd.

    PM me a phone number if you want to attend.

  2. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Dwaine sells pirated Fugly tshirts down in NC. I'm sure he has a couple of 2X's there. If you wear one and get on TV with it, I'll pay you for it.

    I wish I could come but I can't drive in Alabama for reasons I can't talk about... court ordered and all.


  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I will get a picture of the gang. So far, Major won't call me back, Phatboy is henpecked, and Imnprotected is still married. I think the chemistry is right for a big event.

    Get in the car and get here, and I'll see that you have a good time. Game doesn't start until 6:30PM. I got plenty of sleep space at the office. You can get here from anywhere by then.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Why do I hear "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" when I think of you as a overnight host? :)
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I am more normal than you will ever know.

    You are as close as anybody. PM me if you want directions or a contact number. Bring your new husband for protection.
  6. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I am out of town. I am taking the wife and kids to the Auburn game so I'll be in Jordan-Hare. If you're watching from Wings, I'll be wearing an orange shirt with an AU on it. Look for me.
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I am devasted.

    I pictured me and you and Phat drinking from the pitcher, while ImP gave us chair massages. The evening would end with a Tide and Tiger victory, and us carrying Phat to the ER to get his stomach pumped and then calling his wife to come and get him.

  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    thats hotel California, and it's a reference to cocaine addiction.
  9. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Sorry in france for the rugby world cup.

    Kind Regards,

  10. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That was one hell of a game, I guess we will give you guys a chance to get some revenge next fall in Athens.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You failed to mention that Louisville lost again, to another unranked team.

    Kentucky is doing good. They are an SEC team, so at least they have a measure of respect.

    Now all they have to do is tame a Bengal Tiger and beat Spurrier's Cocks.

    Wait, that doesn't sound right.
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Don't try to be a gracious winner.
    Just twist the knife and gloat while you can.

    If the Georgia receivers could catch, it wouldn't even have been a close game. Alabama looked emotionally flat, just like I predicted. It is so hard to recover from an emotional win or loss. Want proof? Look who beat Arkansas today. Arkansas had the same emotional letdown. Look for Georgia and Ole Miss to both be flat next week. Georgia will win though, because Ole Miss has perma-suck disease.

    Alabama has Florida State next week. Alabama holds a series lead of 2 wins and no losses, but that is ancient history. I expect a Bama loss. They are just too young and thin defensively to beat FSU.
  14. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    Why would I mention Louisville. I'm a UK fan. I pull for them when they are playing but it doesn't bother me if they lose for more than a few fleeting seconds.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2007
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    In psychology that is known as a "conditioned response."

    Kentucky is actually pretty good this year. They have worked very hard to step it up several notches. They are better than Alabama at this point, but I am still not sure they could beat the Tide because of the psychological factors. Alabama is 33-2-1 against UK. Stuff like that gets in your head.

    The fact that Bear Bryant is the winningest football coach at Alabama AND at Kentucky doesn't help much either. It is interersting to note that Kentucky has had only one coach in the last 60 years that has had a winning record. (Averaged 6 wins a year.) Guess who?

    winning percentage
    1945 Bernie Shively (Illinois) .200
    1946-53 Paul Bryant (Alabama) .710
    1954-61 Blanton Collier (Georgetown) .531
    1962-68 Charlie Bradshaw (Kentucky) .386
    1969-72 John Ray (Olivet) .233
    1973-81 Fran Curci (Miami) .480
    1982-89 Jerry Claiborne (Kentucky) .472
    1990-96 Bill Curry (Georgia Tech) .333
    1997-2000 Hal Mumme (Tarleton State) .435
    2001-2002 Guy Morriss (Texas Christian) .391
    2003-present Rich Brooks (Oregon State) .362

    I still give Kentucky the basketball cudos. Rupp is to basketball what Brynat is to football. Too bad basketball is played by men in silk shorts.
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Nah, I aint like that. Even though it was Alabamas for the taking. I think they need to put some 'stick em' on Trip Chandlers hands. I would have a hard time passing to a guy that dropped that many passes during the game. Couto should have won it in regulation, he just didnt push it out far enough.
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Alabamas defense hasn't played well after Mustin was lost in the second quarter against Arkansas. I realize one player doesn't make a team, but it does when you are young and lack depth.

    Arkansas is not the same without monk. Auburn is hurting without their starting RB. It just goes that way in college football.

    I saw Bear for a minute today. She still has a hangover from Saturday night. I didn't know a women could vomit that far.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Now thats funny. How was the crowd? I would have felt a little outof place being the only one there going "YEA TAKE THAT MOTHA FUCKAHS!!!!"

  19. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    48 hours. 640 miles. 15 minutes of football.....

    Auburn looked pretty flat in the first quarter. Since I had the kids in tow and we had to drive 130 miles back to my folks' house, we left at the end of the 1st. The most impressive this I saw was Auburn's new HD jumbo-tron. It's like an LCD TV the size of a billboard. Anyway, the kids got to see the eagle fly, the band play, the players run out of the smoke. Then the game started and they got bored. We wound up at that great American family restaurant - Hooter's to watch the Bama game for a while and grab some chicken. Made it back to LA this afternoon.

    AU must travel to Gainesville this weekend for a Florida revenge beating since we beat them last year. Should get ugly early.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You know this may sound slightly retarded, but watch Auburn come out and put a whoopin on FL. Just out of spite. Florida looked vulnerable saturday, and I dont think Tebow is going to make it all year, not running as much as he has been. LSUs defensive line looks awesome and I am glad we dont play them this year(unless by some miracle we spit out some poetry and can weasle our way into the SEC championships cooter). I did like the fact that ESPN did give props to the SEC being the toughest conference out there. FINALLY. They actually said the PAC-10 was second, but that must be a distant second.

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