I'm going to that horror convention at the end of October. They're having a costume contest and I'm stumped as what too do. I have 2 ideas so far. My first was to go as Rapist #1 from Grindhouse. But I ruled it out cause a lot of people might not get it. My second Idea will only work if my 2 friends agree to do it with me. Which I don't know if they will as they can be sticks in the mud sometimes. I was thinking The Undead 3 Stooges and if we win we can split the prize money. But I also need some back up ideas and please be serious cause I enjoy costume contests and have won several over the years. I want this to be a feather in my cap. It also has to be horror theme.
Since you work at a race track... Barbaro? I don't know how 'horrible' it would be but you'd definitely win for tastelessness.
Yeah that would be good for like a party or something. But not a Horror Convention they wouldn't get it.
Go as Howard the Duck. That shit would be fucking funny. Of course if the goal is to scare people, just go as yourself..... There has got to be a lot of non-trans gendered costumes, you can go as. Go as OJ, of course its a little dated. You could go as a dead hussein, if you still have the beard deal going on. Just take some rope with you.
I had bad timing on that Nicole Brown Simpson thing. I dressed up in '94 with just a slit throat and people thought that I was being Nicole Brown Simpson. I felt bad about it but it wasn't intentional. I even wore a black dress.
Why would you feel sorry? That would still be funny, as long as you were at a party full of fuglies. I would appreciate it, like Lomos priest costume with the little boy doll attached. That shit was fucking priceless.