....runs in and pees everywhere, marking Nursey's territory with an indelible smell of wolf scent......
*SLOWLY ENTERS THREAD WEARING RESPIRATOR MASK AND CONTAMINATION SUIT. SMACKS BARRY IN THE NUTS WITH IRON BAR, THEN PUSHES HIS FACE INTO PEE-PEE PUDDLE TO HELP HIM UNDERSTAND. ACTIVATES SPRINKLER SYSTEM* Tut! This shouldn't still be happening!? I had Barry done a couple of years ago. Probably some sort of voodoo witchcraft the spineless, wet toady has put him up to. But wouldn't wolf piss smell kind of heavy and musky? Barry's nuisance tom-squirts just stink of...hmmm...asparagus?
Look Barry numbnuts, keep your fuckin piss in the toilet, i've not got time to keep cleaning up your piss stains.Im a working lady and my bleach is otherwise required nowadays. Nursey i'll clean it this once out of respect but can you keep your monkeys under control.
Thankyou UT. I'm most grateful. It won't happen again, WILL IT Bladda, you great, big, waddling piss sack?
barry should consider himself lucky that this isn't a japanese sub-forum! http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/waiwai/news/20070917p2g00m0dm002000c.html
Where do you find such stuff? This line in the article makes me think it's probably not legit. I don't think you can roast a whole pig "in a matter of minutes." "I was about to vomit," M says. "It was the same pig that had been squealing just moments before. Now, it had been roasted whole. I managed to avoid eating it by only having salad." Right.