2003 Land Rover Freelander AWD SE has 41K miles they want 12900 for it. It's also a 2 door is another reason I like it.
Uh, if you buy that ford escape looking mudda fuggah you are going to regret it. Pony up and get the Range Rover. Not the Land Rover LR3, the Range. By far the best handling, quietest of any SUV I have ever driven or ridden in. I think the one you want is the HS3( I think that is it, it's been a while).
Looks pretty nice, but it has a big ass grill. I never owned a vehicle with four doors until now and I really like it, especially in an SUV.
That English SUV is made by Ford. Hence the Escape look. If you are going for a downsize SUV I would look at the CR-V, mileage, plus it's a Honda. I dont really care for the look of a lot of the SUVs offered right now. Too much fluff. Get you a 77 Jeep Grand Cherokee, w/360 and the quadra-track 4 wheel drive. Sure it only gets 8 miles per gallon, but you can hit any of those other SUVs and keep on trucking. The Acura MDX is pretty nice looking, plus with the hybrid you can get decent mileage, but only in traffic under 30MPH, cause over that the batteries cant go and the gas kicks in. This looks like the one we were thinking about, but at 75k I declined paying more for a car than I did for my house.
I test drove an Escape. I liked it a lot. I think it's way better looking than a Land Rover. I went back and the Escape was gone, but I found the Aztek (I don't care what anyone thinks, that thing is awesome) I wanted from the beginning in the color I wanted with the lower mileage and all the bells and whistles, so it worked out in the end.
I'm kinda partial to the Aztek, myself... I like it in that "Fugly green" color they had, especially. As far as the Freelander is concerned - try to talk 'em down on the price (consult the edmunds online site for a value estimate, I'm just going by what I would spend on a used vehicle). I like the way it looks, and to be honest, I've never seen one of those in a two door model. I will say this, though... A friend of mine had a Land Rover, and he took it to a Jeep Jamboree once. The people laughed at him, but they quickly shut the fuck up when he took the thing up their steepest course in reverse. It's a well-made vehicle, and it all boils down to: "Does it fit your needs?"
The one we drove was awesome. I have been looking for a used one cause I liked it so much. You can get a 2000/2001 Range down here for around 12-16k depending on the miles. If I ever buy another family SUV, it will be a Land Rover. The LR3 (the boxy one) is pretty nice for around 50k.
I like Trucks, Jeeps, Cherokees, and some sports cars. They had a 2000 Jeep Cherokee that I liked better then the Land Rover. But I couldn't get him to come off the price so I told him to piss off.
There was a truck that I saw and I don't know what kind it was but I think it was a GMC and it was pretty nice. It wasn't a full-size truck... it had four doors. Help me out here. It wasn't a Frontier... I'll try to find it.
Well my truck is at the body shop now. If it looks good when it's done and I can't tell it was wrecked i might just keep it. But I doubt it cause it always bugged me to drive something i know is wrecked. So I will probably trade it off. Something used thou I pretty much hate all the new shit out. Except the 08 Lancer for some reason.
I test drove some new shit. They were econoboxes... like the suzuki Forenza, the pontiac g5, the chevy colbalt coupe and sedan, a dodge caliber. I liked the caliber the least. I thought it drove like shit and I was the first person to actually drive it. And it was a toss up between the cobalt and the forenza. I liked the forenza, but couldn't get past that tiny shitty sounding engine. The fucked up thing about some of those cars was the fact that you actually had to pay extra for air conditioning. GM and Suzuki you didn't but Dodge and Mazda you did. The best overall value for an econobox is the Nissan Versa. I didn't drive one because I couldn't get past the looks. As far as new sedans go, I like the Nissan Maxima. As far as new coupes go, the new Nissan Altima is fucking nice. But I am glad I bought used. I got a loaded vehicle with decent mileage and saved money. Of course, the fact that I bought a very unpopular car also helped save me some $$$.