I just had another major religious conversion. I am now officially a neochristian. I guess that means I can't hang with all of you anymore. ucicare must fade the newcicare must increase more details to come as they emerge
Ive viewed 3 threads and not understood any of em,ever since the iq level was raised in here ive not been in,cant we have a retard board?
oooooooooooo feel good and pounding....ooooooo yeah purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Who is Barrty?
He's the fugly forums big, bald ex-penitentiary officer. His wife absolutely hates him, and makes him feel small and insignificant, so he is always seeking validation from the opposite sex. Otherwise, there is a danger that the dark (compensatory) urges he often experiences in the company of young, smooth skinned, male delinquents might interfere with his youth ministering.
Please don't post in such a heightened state of arousal, phatboy. Some of us are cursed with the ability to sense - and visually interpret - such underlying currents or vibrations. I mean, the look on your face as you typed that. Just hideous!