until today when I rear-ended someone in my boyfriend's vehicle. I was behind this woman on an on-ramp to a bridge... we had to yield... I saw her car take off, looked over my shoulder, saw it was free and clear and started to accelerate and BAM! She had stopped suddenly and didn't go afterall. She told me that she started to go but saw a car coming and stopped (her car was sticking out into the oncoming lane). It was totally clear which is why I was fucking accelerating!! So she called the police, never got out of her car and in the end, drove off with her door ajar. I knew I would get into an accident with some dipshit from Ohio someday and I guess today was the day. Since I wasn't in my car, the insurance will probably be a nightmare. I didn't get a citation so it coulda been worse. Her car got a couple of scratches on the bumper, but since I was in an SUV, her bumper went up under the SUV and jacked up the bumper and bent the fender. This should be nice and shitty to fix. This ruined my perfect driving record...
I've come close to doing that myself and was once in a car struck in the same manner (I wasn't driving). Just when you think everyone's singing off the same sheet, some dipshit's spine weakens and causes a collision. If I can get arrested for being under the influence of alcohol why can't we cite dumbasses for driving while fucking stupid? Drop the breathalyzer and bring out a Mensa quizbook so we can nail these assholes on the scene. I can drink a six-pack and still walk upright but I work alongside people who can't master vertical gum mastication. *banjo music plays* I'm sorry.......Please continue.
Lets co-sponsor legislation. The test in the South is if you can drink a six pack and still plow a straight furrow. Yee Haw! (or drink six and not get in a fist fight with your brother).
I have known people to do that. Idiots they should stay the hell off the road. I think it has to do with a depth perception or time space judgment issue. They are unsure of the speed of the approaching cars and scared to pull out at the last second.
I think people don't understand what "yield" means. Some people treat it as a stop sign... just like assholes on the acceleration lane of an interstate will drive up, stop, and turn their turn signal on to get over. It was two lanes and the right lane was clear, so I went. If I needed over in the left lane, I'd have gone over when it was clear. Apparently, they don't teach that in Ohio. I guess I should have looked ahead once more before I went, but the bitch started to drive off, so I assumed she was gone. I guess from now on, I'll have to sit there and watch them drive off into the sunset before I decide to go. She would have been one of those people that sat there forever and I would have had the urge to rear-end anyway, I guess. Just sucks that it wasn't my car. The last wreck I was in was with some dumbass from Ohio. He was test driving a truck and hauling ass and came to a sharp turn and plowed into the driver's side of my car and slammed the passenger's ass end into the guardrail. Totalled my car. Before that, an old woman with a big old Lincoln Town Car drove out of an alley and slammed into the driver's side of my car. And another time with this same car, a guy backed out into the street and hit the passenger's side. So, 3 wrecks in one car... this is why I will never drive a burgundy-colored car again. I think I was invisible.
And how many kids do you have? I have terrible depth perception, probably why I'm not a pilot... However I hit an old lady doing the same thing. I watched her pull away, I looked back to the left to verify clear traffic, rolled forward and bam. Made the trunk of her hyundai look like a coke can (see 9/11 post).... Her car was 3/4 of the way in the road. My fault. They added an acceleration lane at that intersection now. When I get home I will share my U-Turn that caused a 15 car pile up. It's pretty funny cause I didn't do anything wrong and didn't get hit (bunch of 5 o'clock assholes rushing to get home and speeding)
Yeah 9/11 doesn't work. I got pictures of her car today. I went to her work and took them in the parking lot. I'll post them later. You should see how little her car is damaged.
Watch out, Team F.B. - our little warty friend is obviously hopping mad and has more than likely summoned her Pagan menstrual coven to hex us all.
So it's going to cost about 600 bucks to replace the bumper. The deductible is 500. I'm wondering if 1) we should go to a body shop and not a dealership and get it done for less and cancel the claim 2)just pay the extra hundred bucks, get it done at the dealer and cancel the claim. I don't think it would matter if we tried to cancel the claim. The other bitch probably had her piece of shit fixed. They wouldn't have even had to replace the bumper if it wasn't cracked in one spot. It could have just been pulled out.