Did you know... The average housewife walks 10 miles a day around the house doing her chores. That is the best DID YOU KNOW EVAR
i've been on the front page of the forums for about 5 minutes straight now hitting refresh reading all of these things.
Did you know you can watch all the southpark episodes without commercials on the internet if you have a high speed connection instead of digging up year old threads at: http://www.southparkzone.com/episode_guide.php I just watched Ginger kids. It was funny as shit.
did you know, the lovable, jolly old man Known as Mr Wizard (Don Herbert) from the popular kids show "Mr Wizard's world", was a registered sexual offender in the United States And Canada?
I remember the episode where he made that little girl eat an apple while standing on her head. I kept waiting for her to choke and die but she didn't.