It is true! I have not seen Dwaine quite this besotted for a long time. His blazing, heartfelt prose always brings a small tear to my eye.
I think the whole area over there needs to get right with Jesus. With so much corruption and sin there is no suprise that the area is ravaged with Natural Disasters. Sounds like there might be another Tsunami in the future....
dwaine, i'd pay you $20 NOT to suck your dick. hell i'd pay you more if you'd put your commas in the right place. her message and prophecy are all over Why are so many members here and in many forums sick, tired, weary, stressed, resulting in WEIRDOO lifestyles, Why are there so many wars here and there, killings, accidents, famine, etc. which are not noticed and suffered by affluent and conceited ones in developed countries Because SIN is not punished forthwith it takes time to be bedridden to have stroke, cancer and those eerie things out there PUNO's KILLING SUMMIT, UTTER FAILURE: 185 Killed in 30 Days