Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by phatboy, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Simple enough question. If so what for and how long was your stay, if you are at liberty to discuss. I will start. Yes, I have been arrested 2 times, a brief synopsis below.

    1) My brother was in town on leave from the now defunct naval station in Charleston, SC. I was still in high school at the time, and he wanted to go out drinking on a saturday night. I, had always drank with friends and what not at parties and never really tried sneaking in a bar or clu
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Care to finish this, or did you have a heart attack right in mid thought?
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Actually my laptop posted it, before I was done, then when I was editing it, I took too long, so here it is.....

  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yes once

    I got in a fight with my Best Friends Ex. I won't get into all the details of the reasons cause I still have no idea why the bitched hated me. Because I really did try to be nice to her, because she was dating my buddy and she lived in the apartment across from us. Anyway she was a big druggie so might have been the reason.

    Anyway I came home one night from work and she popped her head out and started talking shit I ignored her like I promised my friend and went inside. Then the Ups guy came and she popped out again and started cussing me I ignored her. Then she came over to the house to talk to my buddy and she said some shit to me. Well at this point I had it. I started fighting with her cause I was not going to be disrespected in my home. Well the thing got really carried away.

    These 2 really big dudes came out of her apartment and she said something to the effect that she would give them whatever if they came into my place and kicked the shit out of me. My friend kept trying to defuse the situation and got me inside. Well at the time I had been cleaning my gun so I went back to putting it back together. When I heard kicks on the door followed by it flying open. Well my first instinct was to slam a clip in my gun pull the slide and draw down on whatever was coming thru the door.

    Well it wasn't the 2 dudes it was the chic she went from mid running her mouth to shitting herself she ran out quick. Next thing I know half the Hot Springs PD and State Troopers are at my home. I explain everything to them and tell them how I wanted her arrested for B&E as I had told her she was not welcomed in my home. Also for threatening me with the dudes. Also about all the drugs she had in her home.

    Well they turn around and arrest me for attempted murder, threatening and about 6 other charges. The judge thru it out because she never showed to court, and the arresting officer never read me my rights. Plus he said I should have never been arrested in the first place because I was protecting myself.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Those are both pretty funny.

    I have not been arrested, yet anyway. Mostly by shear luck or maybe there really is a God who watched over fools like me.

    Once in college I was loaded up on beer. Me and a female friend were parked in the middle of the stadium parking lot, and had probably drank the better part of a case. Cops pulls up behind us, and just sits there with the headlights on. I figure it's security, so I crank up and go.

    Cops don't think that is funny. I got blue lighted immediately. It was a female cop, and pretty young. She asked how much we had to drink, and I said, "all of it I think." She thought that was funny. She checked the bottles in the cooler, and said that it was a good thing I had not thrown the empties out. She asked where I lived, and I said "the athletic dorm." Apparently that impressed her, or more likely she had deal going with the athletic department. She made me get in the car and follow her back to the dorm while she had her lights on. I swear I got escorted back instead of arrested. This was 1979, so I guess times were different. The legal age was 19 then.

    I also should have been arrested for the stupidest thing I have ever done. I had a guy break into my business 3 times. I posted a reward, and his buddy snitched on him. I saw my stuff at his house. The cops wouldn't do anything about it. I found out later that he was an informant, and they didn't want to bust him. I saw my stuff at his house, and got frustrated. I waited up on him one night until he came home about 2:00AM and had a little talk with him. He asked me to come inside, and when I did he went for a gun in his bedroom. I follwed him in, and put a gun to his head when he reached inside his dresser. I expalined that I would kill him in his sleep if he ever touched my property again. What I missed was that his girlfriend was in the house, and took off screaming down the street. This woke up her grandaddy next door, and he had a shotgun. Like a smart ass I invited him over to watch me kill his granddaughters sorry assed boyfriend. He seemed to think that was a good idea. About that time the cops show up. I have the little bastard by the throat up against the wall with his feet about a foot off the ground. They assumed I was the problem.

    Turns out that I knew the cops from highschool, and they knew the asshole I was about to disfigure. After a little discussion, they told me to disappear. I did. Never heard from it again. The bastard was never prosecuted either. Last I checked his records he has served 20 years off and on for burgulary. I would have done the world a favor by capping him.
    Small miracle that I did'nt end up in prison from that night. It's the last truly stupid thing I did.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That is awesome. So was the grandad telling you to 'shoot the turd already'?
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I;ve never been arrested before
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Arrested or convicted?
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    NO, but I was in a police line up, the cop come up and showed his badge then asked me in steet if I wanted to earn a bit of cash as I looked like the sort of guy that was to be ID'd at the station. I earnt £10 (gbp) - roughly $20 for the 5-10 minutes I was there.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Shall I post your mugshots?
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    sure if you got them, I'd love to see them
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I can't remember if this is you of if it's Jefe. Doesn't matter. All the same.


    Attached Files:

  13. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I spent the night in the Foley jail detoxing after getting picked up for a dooey. Good times.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i've been arrested twice in my life. both times before i was 17 and therefore counted as juveniles and scratched from my record (well the official one anyway, the police still have them on file)

    first time when i was 13. i had been drinking loads of homemade brandy my grandad had a huge stash of. me and a friend were holed up in an abandoned warehouse, chainsmoking 80 cheap superking cigarettes because we only had about 3 matches, and knocking back this illicit hooch. bear in mind, this stuff was mix in a bucket and leave to stew stuff. by the time my grandad had finished putting it through his special little processes it was fairly potent stuff. especially for 13 year olds.

    anyway, once we were down to our last 20 pack, we wondered how we could replace the oral stimulation afforded us by smoking ciggies. without, obviously, resorting to methods of a homoerotic nature. so barry, you might as well stop reading now.
    so we had the bright idea of trotting off to the nearby chemist, and putting through the small multipaned unalarmed side window, and stealing their display, and supply, of chupa-chups lollipops.

    now unbeknownst to us, a neighbour had heard us breaking the window and called the police. but we were away scot-free. unfortunately, high on adrenaline at getting away with the heist of the century. we decided to return to the scene of the crime, and enter the premises this time, to steal packets of condoms. not as you would suspect, for a teen bumboy rump-fest, but believe it or not, to use as water-bombs. as i had recently found a stash in my mum and stepdads drawer and discovered they were perfect for the task..

    anyway, we went back, got caught, had a hell of a time trying to convince the detectives we weren't behind a spate of drugstore cowboy style prescription drug robberies.

    the second time, i was 15. the school i went to had a rival school next door. i found out in later years that it was some catholic/protestant sectarian hate bullshit, them being a catholic school. but at the time it was just some convenient acquired 'enemy' to rail half-heartedly against. i say half-heartedly because some of my best friends outside school were from the school. and one of those friends had gained possession of a caretakers master key to the building. now we'd successfully entered the premises 3 or 4 times previously. just stealing stupid things like stationery, and on one occasion a bottle of hydrochloric acid, which i dropped and broke, the resultant splashing causing my trousers to disintegrate. but those times we had been careful not to trip the silent alarms. but this last time we had decided on a drunken adventure. or we had decided drunkenly on an adventure. so upon entering and creeping around some, one of us staggered into the range of the movement sensor. obviously it being a silent alarm we were unaware of the police presence until we saw flashlights being shined into windows.
    anyway, some of us decided to just make a run for it. but me and a friend decided to hide out behind the parapet of the flat roof of an extension and wait it out. that would have been fine, but for my mate panicking and deciding to jump off and scarper. i would have stayed myself but with my friend giving away our hiding place i didn't want to risk the police checking there and finding me so i jumped too. unfortunately i fell badly and couldn't outrun the police dog. so it was a fair cop guv.

    and there you have my boring criminal history
  15. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    He's got your chin. Or lack there of. Are you sure that's not you back in College? What was that, 1950-something?

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I've never been arrested, though i think i came close once. When i was 21, i had my family's house all to myself for a year and i decided to grow some grass plants. I had about 14, though most of them were fairly small. The few that were bigger weren't that impressive either. But i had them all out on the landing at the top of the stairs as well as going down the edge of the stairs where they would get most sunshine from the roof cupula. This is where they were for a few weeks, until one day i decided just to put them in the boxroom at the top of the stairs, i think i just felt it was maybe a bit much having them all in such an open position, visible from the downstairs hall.
    A few days after that, i went to town and bought a record. It was a warm, sunny day, and when i got back, decided to go up onto the flat roof to sunbathe with my boyfriend at the time. To get up to the roof, i had to climb ladders and raise the heavy hatch, which i found i could do best if i bore the weight of it on my head. The hatch was very cobwebby, so i found a balaclava to keep the webs off my hair. After lying in the sun for a while, we decided to go back in, so because i was going to have to lower the hatch - again with my head, i grabbed the balaclava, put it on and climbed back down into the house. Me and my ex went into my bedroom where we lounged around listening to the new record i had just bought and smoked a couple of big, strong joints. Then we both thought we heard a noise. It sounded like it may have been someone rapping the letterbox, but we both decided it was probably just a sound from the track we were listening to for the first time, (which was at high volume) and relaxed. Then i thought i maybe heard another sound, like someone shouting, and envisaged one of my friends shouting through the front door letterbox downstairs, so jumped up to go and check and bounded enthusiastically over to my bedroom door, with a cheerful smile across my face. What i saw when i flung the door open was one of the most shocking sights. The kind which stops you dead in your tracks with your mouth open. But i wasn't the only one in shock. It was mutual. There, all creeping stealthily up the stairs was my local policeforce, seven of them anyway, one behind the other, all frozen with mouths slightly agape, with the grey haired Sergeant leading the way just at the top of the stairs. At that moment i could have died, knowing i had all those plants just feet away on the other side of a door from where they were across the hallway, as well as a reasonable sized quantity of cannabis lying in the middle of my bedroom floor behind me, and wondered if this was me being bust. Fortunately, the cheery smile i had when i bounded to the door was still stupidly frozen on my face masking my complete horror. After the initial shocked, momentary standoff, the Sergeant asked "Who are YOU?", to which i replied "I live here" (still with stupid, fixed grin on face). They were slowly edging towards me and he asked if i had any proof. My mind had now gone into superwarp speed 'survival mode', and i was desperate to keep them from reaching my bedroom which was reeking of dope smoke. I instantly mentally located all proof of identity and told him "well i can show you the name on the mail downstairs and give you my bank card" to which he agreed, so i bounded in three fell swoops back into my bedroom to get my bank card. The music was still blaring away and my ex was in there completely oblivious to any of it, and as i grabbed my bankcard from my bag i said in faux casual tones (while glaring intensely) "it's the police". I was back out there in about three extra big bounds to give Mr. Policeman Sir everything he needs before he'd make it to my room while acting completely unphased. My ex had then come out meekly behind me by this point and i explained who he was. The Sergeant then went on to explain that two dangerous and possibly armed criminals had escaped from the prison (which was not too far away) earlier that day, and that they had received a call that two people - one wearing a balaclava - had been spotted climbing in through the roof of the house, and asked for our explanation. At that point i felt a bit idiotic, but he was satisfied and followed me downstairs so i could show them the mail. When we got to the bottom landing, two policewomen came in from the back room saying "we let your cats out, by the way, and you know your back door was unlocked? Tut!", and two policemen were at the front door asking why we don't lock our doors in this day and age!? All very friendly. By this point i was laughing, and being so blase (though i could hear my laughter getting slightly psychotic at points), saying "Gosh, i'm so sorry about this, i feel so silly!". Then off they went, piling out the house, and after i shut the door, the 'prozac smile' facades dropped, and we both collapsed into each others arms groaning in horrified disbelief. According to our neighbour, there were lots of police cars and two vans, (one being armed police) parked outside in the street.
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    You are lucky to have survived the night. Until very recently, Foley was a corrupt jail and leagl system.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    1986 Prom night it was not one of those nights where you were looking for something to do. There were too many parties going on between Westfield and Spring High to decide which one to make it to. I was going out with Barbie Postma who had managed to get access to the family van. She had a friend Charlene Handcock I kept trying to make out with while Barbie was driving. So I for once did not have to drive so I'm thinking "It's on tonight" I mean I had got drunk and drove before hell I remember waking up in my car two blocks from my house but having to walk around a while and figure out where I was. But I never did that when I was with my girl and her friends because it just was not cool in my book because it put them in danger. But this night I have a van and escort around town a case of beer in a cooler and five Mandrex. If you’re not from Texas you may not understand they also called them Beans. They were like Quaaludes. There were keg parties everywhere and we were at like the third one. I left the girls to go off with some friends to smoke a joint. We walked because the cars were blocked in and he lived a street over. I must have been really out of my mind making it back all I know is I saw a lot of people having fun and eating a big banquet of food. I guess I crashed a party (if you want to call it that) with a bunch of senior citizens. I'm chowing down on a plate of food and starting to notice something is not right just when the cop shows up. He just took me home and my dad kicked the shit out of my ass. Really I mean he went into his closet and put on his work boots just for the occasion. I remember it went from the front door all the way through the house.

    I did get arrested though and it was twice both times were in Mexico where its really just a game of fine you until your pockets are totally empty and then let you go. It's those damn poppers. I handle my alcohol pretty well but what a popper is when your buddy pays five bucks to the waiter who’s about 7 foot tall and 300 pounds to throw a towel over your head and jack your head back and pour tequila and sour mix down your throat. Thos jarheads loved to see me get really lit. I'm not a belligerent drunk I just get silly as hell and act like a fool. Sure attracts Tijuana cops though. Well once was Tijuana and once was Matazalan (or something like that further south anyway)
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yes, 17. Drug paraphernalia. I was a juvenile and was put on probation.

    Taken into custody at age 22 for destruction of property (I destroyed my own property), petty larceny and domestic battery. Nothing happened. They let me go. My ex was crying like a bitch and that pissed the lieutenant off.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Note to self, never hide pukeys medicated TUCs pads........

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