Nursey on Fags

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I used to be so politically correct and tolerant about the gay scene. After having known many fudgepackers over the years, I have now come to the conclusion that homosexualitis (and dykedom) is a cop-out. There is something very self-absorbed and materialistic about it. Camp voices, to me, sound whiny, superficial, and contrived. I think that gay people are in denial, choosing to reject that which they have trouble consolidating rather than persevering in order to figure it out. It just seems like a waste of an opportunity life presents us to experience the full scope and dimension of being.

    None of us are purely male or female...the spark of life is a combination of both passive and active, masculine and feminine, forces of matter and anti-matter, light and dark energies . None of us are fully complete in our physical form, both sexes reflecting only one half of human nature, masculine or feminine. Aversion to physically unite with a member of the opposite sex surely robs a person's chance to experience what it is to be human in all it's fullness and complexity?

    Whatever we experience in our lives isn't anything but ourselves. A beautiful or ugly person i see is reflecting that aspect of being that exists in myself, however nice or unpleasant that may be. To attempt to psychologically shut that aspect of experience of myself out by disassociating of what i see is self-denial and creates conflict in myself. We are fooled by the illusion that inner and outer are two different, seperate things, when they are in fact both diametrically opposite extremes of the same pole, unable to exist seperately. For every force in the universe, there is an equally opposite force which together balance to exist in the whole. To unite the opposite ends of the physical pole we embody whether we are male or female creates a harmony that allows us to experience another level or dimension to our being.

    Incase none of this makes any sense, here's what the Lion King has to say:

    "Loving everybody, man and woman, is by nature-god-given experience.

    The only problem is that Nature has its rules!

    And among these rules is the unity of different poles for creating another higher being in the circle of life! and the circle of life is what it´s all about...
    The Love is higher experience that helps us realise the importance of Life!!!
    We are the creators of Love in the circle of Life, and we are the only ones who can decide the Future of our Children, as we are someones chidren and inherited the Power of Love (and, unfortunatly, Hate=Fear) !
    We should all try to teach each other the Power of Love by realising the Power of Man+Woman Unity (and happiness residing in that connection) and The Power of LOVE FOR ALL (not misstaken for sex with everything!) !!!
    Keeping the sacred connection (ManWoman) pure and running is the best defence against any and every Evil!!!"
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    mardi gras!!! wooo!

  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Why must you do this to me?
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I agree with you 100% I spent time with them when my friend decided he was gay and the entire thing is self serving.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    keepin you grounded maaaaan
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't think many people would choose that way of life because they are materialistic. I would have to imagine that it would be a very hard way to live. I mean, some people are so ashamed that they kill themselves because of it and others are beaten to death in the street.

    I think that you are thinking about it too much. I think it simply involves personal preference. One of our other basic needs it to eat. I hate asparagus. How do I know? Because I tried it and it was gross. I don't feel that I am missing out on anything by not eating it. I see sexuality as a very simple basic thing. It's not complicated... it's instinct. There are factors in people's lives that might make them "turn gay" but I am one of those people who think that they are born that way. And I personally don't care what two consenting adults do in their bedroom. If they are happier people from it, good for them.

    I do believe that there are insincere gays and gays who are over-the-top and are a little too proud and constantly waiting for you to slip up and say something offensive to them so they can go off on you. I find those people really annoying. I do think some people do it for attention, but for the ones who are sincere and happy... again, good for them.

    What are your feelings about bisexuals?
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    The whole act of sex is self-serving... even when you are trying to reproduce.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    "It's a Circle, not a rectangle, which has corners, but a circle"

    Sorry, it was just a funny part in the movie.
  9. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Sure, it's self-serving. But when I get the urge to grab a dick, I reach down, not out. I don't wish to fellate myself, though. The sensation of my dick in a mouth could not override the sensation of a dick in my mouth. But I digress.

    Nursey, that was a very interesting piece (to steal a line from Pimp). As Jerry McGuire said to that chick who looks like she just smelled a fart, "You complete me." And I believe that man and woman combine to make a hole (forgive my spelling). And I believe that when chicks like Rosie and Ellen come out, no one cares because neither is hot. And when Portia de Rossi says she's gay, I just want to watch her get it on with another hot chick even though I am sad that she's unavailable to my gender.

    But, why should I care? I don't have a shot with Portia de Rossi, anyway. But, just the same I am intrigued to hear that Jessica Alba broke up with her boyfriend. Why? So I can make my move? It's an odd fascination that I can't readily explain. Perhaps a one in a million chance is still a chance and just enough to hang my hopes on. But I digress again (AD/HD).

    So, this about fags, right? I don't consider myself a homophobe becuase that intimates a fear more than a sort of icky feeling doesn't it? I think its the icky feeling I have. Homo-ickiness, if I may coin a term. I don't think fags are checking me out any more than straight chicks are checking me out so I don't fear them. But lesbians are (in my mind) more superficial. By that, I don't refer to their lack of mental depth as I do to their lack of penetration during lovemaking. I know it can be done with......instruments, but in my mind (read: fantasies) they "keep it on the surface." Gay men, however, creep me out a bit I must admit as their dalliance can cause anal fissures. Anything that cause anal fissures is a turnoff for me. I'm just wired that way.

    Nursey, I enjoyed your editorial and have enjoyed vandalizing your forum with my hyperactive ramblings. I need to switch to decaf. Ka is a wheel.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    The gay men I understand. It's about the sex and the ability to get it with someone anytime they want. Most couldn't with a women. If I had time I would go into detail about my days among them. I still have a few gay friends but the ones I kept weren't like most of them.

    I mean the men were pretty much I got a dick what can I stick it in tonight. I would see men who claimed to be so gay and hate women to only find them in a relationship with a women.

    Then the Lesbians are a whole different ball of wax never understood them slept with a few but never got them. The whole point to me of being gay is because you love the same sexes body. Yet a women will become gay and find the women who looks the most like a man to date. Totally blew my mind.

    Then you had the girls/guys like me who were fruit flies or fag hags who had gay friends and was in with the crowd but were totally straight. Now the Fag Hags which were the women clung to one or 2 gay men in a group. Normally they would be in love with one of the gay men and be under the delusion they could "change" them. I nailed a lot of fag hags.

    Now me being a fruit fly I loved the attition and being were I was at the time I was rare a straight guy who hung out with gays. I don't think between the age of 19 to 22 I ever paid for a drink.

    But the thing I learned was most gays are self loathing hurtful people who enjoy drama and are mostly in it for the sex and not to find that one.
  11. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    GrimJesus, Does that mean you're gay? I don't understand. Are you coming out of the closet here?

    Also, I think that it's supposed to be a biological thing. I think they even isolated that part of human DNA to to say that they 'choose' to be gay is pretty much the same thing as saying someone chooses to be black or white, or Asian or whatever. It's possible to do, but it takes work. I think there are straight people who choose to act gay and there are gay people who choose to act straight but if you're gay, you're just gay.

    Oh, and Grim. You're totally gay, by the way.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    No I'm not gay, does that mean Nur is a lesbian?
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Maybe in your world. In mine the lines are not nearly as blurry.
  14. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff


    Huh? You said, "...Now the Fag Hags which were the women clung to one or 2 gay men in a group. Normally they would be in love with one of the gay men and be under the delusion they could "change" them. I nailed a lot of fag hags...."

    Do you see? If A=B and B=C... A=C.

    Here. Take this test to see if it's true:
  15. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  16. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  17. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Hang on a second. You're married. Don't say that. I'm just messing with you.

    Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to post those flash tests. Those things cracked me up.

    I know you're not gay. (wink wink) I'll just be our little secret.

    We can just lay here in our under-wear. Nothing has to happen.
  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    If I was gay you would be the bottom bitch cause I'm one of the 3 bears grrrrrrrrrr.

    Name the John Waters Reference.
  19. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    That's not entirely true, it depends if the guy is a selfish git. Whenever I made love to my ex (or had sex, whatever), I always took care of her needs, before I even got my dick wet, the sex also lasted about 45mins because I don't(and dont like to) finish quickly. My satisfaction comes after she does, thats always been the way I've worked.. Dont fall asleep afterwards either :confused:
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2007
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Sex is self-serving. It's not necessary unless you are trying to reproduce and that's pretty damn self-serving in itself.

    I think thrusting around on someone for 45 minutes is excessive. I mean, c'mon, if she's already had hers and doesn't want multiple oh's, do you think she wants to wait 45 minutes for you to get yours? I'm sure she was thinking about what she could be watching on television or what she was going to wear the next day. After a generous 20 minutes, I would have asked you, "Are you done yet?" or "Would you hurry up? or "Do you need me to put my thumb up your ass to get this thing over with quicker or what?" :)

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