I've always wanted to get a motorcycle, so I took the MD Motorcycle Safety course a couple weeks ago and I just got this. It's a 1985 Honda Rebel 250. It's not a whole lot bigger than the practice bikes from the class, so I figure it's a good starter bike. Does anyone else here drive a motorcycle? I'm pretty excited about it. I have already put about 250 miles on it since I got my tags.
My boyfriend has a Yamaha V Star that I would have loved to have sold you just to get the fucking thing out of the garage. I personally hate motorcycles. I always feel like running them down when I see them on the road.
The medication is taking over.... I dont have one now, but have had several in the past. Love to ride, but with the fam, I cant get kilt riding around, especially with all the idiots driving around here.....
No. I'm bitter because he lets it sit in the garage and collect dust while he makes the payments and insurance on it each month. I want it gone because I don't like it in my garage and I don't want him to ride on it because he might get hurt. Did you know that there are some crazies out there that have the urge to run motorcylists down?
We're not in the same state. You're safe. I am thinking of starting a new chapter though. Seriously, be careful on that thing. I heard today that a guy on a motorcycle rear-ended a car so hard that it hit the car in front of him and the guy's leg was shaped like an "s". Had I been around, I would have turned it into a "w".
We had a guy here hit a van, and went almost through it, but he was an idiot. Doing over 100 on a pretty congested street. We usually have a couple of drunk bikers that die a year. I only almost got hit a couple of times, always by drivers that werent paying attention. An old man in a van I had to kick the side of before he realized I was there. Fun times. That is probably right before I sold my last one. The last months I had it I just rode it on the backroads to the lake.
That's all I'm doing now. I took this thing on the highway a couple times and it can only do about 70 and it feels like Apollo-11 on re-entry at that speed. I'm sure the thing will disintegrate if I push it any further. If you could have any bike in the World, what would you have? Me, I would want a HD Road King, Police Special. Holy crap, is that cool. I'd get the cop helmet too, instead of this 1989 HJC full-face monster I have now. The thing has been in my basement for 10 years and I had a spider crawl down my face the other day while I was wearing it. Does anyone in here have a speed bike? I used to have a Yamaha Radian (YX600) in college but I never got a license. I used to take the tags off of other guys' bikes and ride it at night. That was pretty stupid.
Fucking Harleys... you need to get with this guy I work with. He's all in a club and shit. I have a 1981 Yamahopper. No shit. I just need to get it out of my parent's storage. It's very similar to this, but it's blue and not in the snow. It tops at a face numbing 30 mph. Feel like racing?
What are you trying to say? It's not a moped. Can you not see that it kick starts? It has a drive shaft. You're just fucking jealous.
I think you hit the nail right on the head Check Jefe I had a Honda Night Hawk right after High School and part of my Senior year. Loved riding it and would buy a 750 if I found one for a good price and in good shape. I just reciently got a Ninja 650r after checking around and not being happy with what I was finding on Craigslist I got a hair up my ass one day and went and bought one. I was actually considering the Honda Sport bike that 900+ cc model the last of their "Naked" Sport bikes. The Ninja was a compromise yes it is a crotch rocket but it has a more straight-up sitting position. And if your looking new the price is nice compaired to the other makes.