I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Why don't you go look up some more baby rapes or other such shit to laugh at, you ass.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...d=1&q=johnny+cheesedog+site:fugly.com&spell=1 It's sad to see such talent go to waste.
I know, you probably don't relate to it the same way you do Jerry Springer or Dances With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome but it's actually a pretty good show. You should try to watch it.
PS. There are several Fugly Forum members who have had intimate relations with Mr. Cheesedog. I'm not going to name names, but John has written in great detail about his exploits with some of you along his route. Shame on you all. You're lucky you're still alive.
You are serious? I knew we had Dwaine as a "wannabe pretender" serial kid killer, but to have a genuine, no kidding Psychopath on the board is creepy. So will the FBI soon be scouring the board looking for "evidence"? What would it cost for you to delete all of my posts?
I tried to watch the office like 2 times. I didn't like the American version at all. I will watch the British version all day long thou. Also Barry it can't be the same guy cheese is 26 the trucker is 53 or some shit.