This is Rocky he likes to ride in the rumble seat in the back of my truck. This is a pic of my Dad's dogs ass he pretty much hid all day cause he is a pussy. Molly my little girl. Zoe my wife's annoying little bone guard. I want PIZZA!!! I want PIZZA 2!!!!! I just want a bone to guard weres a bone.... Ya hear the one about the bitch and the pariot.... OUTSIDE!!
There are so many jokes to be posted, however my wifes pomeranian is watching and will bit me if I am mean. Pomerania is apparantley a terrorist state somewhere near syria. ive got 3 dogs 2 cats 2 tortoises a gerbil and a shit load of fish. the dogs are called teddy,sherrif john bunnel and zula and the cats are called Kat and splat the tortoises are called michelle and ashtray the gerbil furball feel free to name the fish yourself. anyone got an ark for sale? Ive not forgot about these tortoises pimp ive just had a lot of personal shit going on lately ill be in touch.