It has been killing me for a month now. I mean straight up murder. I've had it xrayed twice now and they see nothing yet the thing is black and blue. If I walk for 2 long I can feel it all the way up to my knee in the bone just fucking cramping. It got so bad today my toes started to claw up.
This is not one of my strong areas but I think you probably just stretched some tendons. I would just try to stay off it as much as possible and it will probably get better by itself. This is kind of reverse order but what caused your ankle injury? I laid a motorcycle down one time and had some pain for weeks in my ankle and foot with nothing visible on x-ray. Of course an MRI might pick something up but there is nothing that can be done most likely anyway if it's just a minor injury like a little tear that will heal on it's own.
that's just it I haven't done anything to it. I didn't twist it I didn't land on it or anything. I woke up got out of bed one day put some weight on it and it's been a pain in the ass ever since. If I walk on it for more then 20 mins without an ankle brace it just feels like it's on fire. Then the pain started going all the way up to my knee when I walked starting last week. But the second group of xrays they still don't see shit. Today was the worst it has been I maybe walked for 10 mins in Lowes and the fucking thing just felt like it was going to collapse.
My suggestions 1. Stop putting your foot in your mouth. 2. Stop kicking the dog. 3. Clip your tioenails instead of biting them. Just my thoughts, 'cause just like Dan, I am really not quailifed to give medical advice.
Never thought of that. Had fun playing poker. Heres that highlander link.
Well if it's black and blue that means there is some kind of hemorrhage (blood leaking out). I remember you saying you were drunk recently. Are you sure you didn't injure it while drunk? I would just try to wait it out. MRI's are expensive and if you can't give a valid reason for one it may not be covered by your insurance.
Your posts are becoming more and more irrelevant. As my medical knowledge grows I will become more and more relevant. How does it feel to be useless?
Remember the feeling you had when you posted that insane drunken gibberish above? I would guess that's how it feels to be useless.
Do you run? I started training to run a marathon and almost immediately got shin splints. They hurt like hell. If you go to a store like FleetFeet they will put you on a treadmill and see how you walk/run. If you pronate your foot when you walk or run, they can fit you with better shoes that will help you out. Other than that, I have no idea. Sounds like it sucks though.
The only thing I do is walk the building at work 5 days a week. Which I go up 3 flights of stairs and walk one end to the other which is about mile.
what kind of shoes do you wear? it could be shin splits, or spurs. But I am no doctor, dan may be able to shed some light. His tendon tear sounds legit also
Definitely check out a running store. They sold me a pair of shoes with a lot of suppport on the inner side of the heel which helps prevent your foot from rolling inward when you land it and they really helped. That's what it sounds like to me but I'm no doctor. It just sounds like the same problem I had. It's fine until you start running, then the more you run, the more painful it gets. Like craps or super-sharp, aching pain. I didn't have any visible bruising though, except for the front of my right shin, which looked kindof bruised.
We got a new balance store here in town that does that stuff. I will go in there next Friday and see if they can hook me up with something.
Have they given you a gout(SP?) test yet? I woke up one morning and I thought I broke my foot. Didnt do anything to make me think I might have broke it, but I couldnt move it for shit. It hurt like a sum bitch and was swollen. Turns out that it was the gout. Beer/Pork/Cheese can be big contributers. The 'wisconsin diet'. It some kind of build up of some hard particles in your joints. I wish I could remember what it was, but I am too wasted to remember it....just kidding, I just cant remember what it is called. Mine went away after a few days. They said if the count, of whatever the fuck it is, was higher, they would have given me the medicine which apparently has the directions, "Take till you have the shits, and take a little bit more"
He didn't give me a gout test, I thought that was what it was at first myself. He just said I was 2 young to have it.