Battle of the Species

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Michelle, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    If those voices ever tell you to KILL - you must DISOBEY THEM, Joe!

    Perhaps you don't quite understand the purpose of a parody, which is to highlight the laughable absurdity of what it is mocking. Smiles' post did this to great effect, reducing your small minded projections and self-supporting fabrications to the ridiculous steaming heap of shit it is.

    Barry, all I have seen so far is your attempting to normalise Joe's delusional behavior. We call that DENIAL in the sane world. link

    Get over yourself you unhinged, fanatical nutjob. :D
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes DON'T go reporting any of that to the F.B.I. or anything Joe, because NONE OF IT IS TRUE. shit...he's so wily that Joe, i hope he hasn't figured it all out!
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok so the leader bull is leading the pack he has his nose in the air is thinking something is wrong but not sure. He goes with what he has that tells him that there are some dirt lumps in the road but cautiously moves forward. They are attacked.

    Meanwhile there is another faction of the herd that hates it that their choice representative bull is not the leader. So they see this as an opportunity immediately they start a propaganda campaign "He tricked us into getting a calf killed!" “let’s not band together as a team that’s just what his evil genius is wanting us to do!”

    The faction of the herd who back the leader say "I think we need to show a force of power against the lions so that they know we are not weak and just an opportunity to exploit." "Besides we could get him back."

    Meanwhile the anti leader faction intervenes "It's impossible the calf is already a goner and its is the “cowboy” leader’s fault he led us down the trail under false pretenses! We do not want to risk the safety of the herd!” “It is a reckless plan to try to be a cowboy! We cannot scare the lions and instead we will simply make them angry with us!"

    The loyal faction gets a posse together to try to save the lion. And goes into action.

    The Anti faction is on the ropes and knows their chances are doomed if the calf is saved. The anti faction does everything in its power to ensure that calf is eaten and that hopefully (in their minds) more buffalo die. Anti faction succeeds and wins in the death and destruction of many herd members they can hardly contain their gleeful emotions inevitably gaining control of the herd.

    The Lions know the herd is weak and will not defend itself and therefore becomes fat, happy and strengthens their numbers. Hunts the Buffalo down one by one.

    The Loyal faction never regains power; generations of buffalo are indoctrinated into a brainwash scheme that all their problems started when "Mr. Cowboy" made the lions angry.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Remember, the voice that tells you to hurt yourself or somebody else is never your friend, Joe. That voice is ALWAYS evil.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It cracks me up to see you so inflamed over something so simple you really know how to show your true colors Nursey.

    What an ass :D
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    psh tosh joe I don't think a single person on this froum could take anything you say seriously and at the same time maintain their sanity.... i'm going to assume you're like an e-colbert because no person (unless bereft of all sensibility and reason) would so persistently repeat the same pseudo-psychotic theories without giving any leeway; unless they were joking
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Smiles, over the years I have actually come to like and respect you.
    Taking you seriously is my current project. If I knew that you had stopped wearing womens undergarments, it would certianly help. Please update me on the progress.
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dear care bear:
    i've never worn womens undergarments, only outerwear.... sexy but respectable.... my ensembles SCREAM liberated yet appreciated
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Thanks for the clarification Smiles. I feel better knowing that.

    Oh, and would you care to join Dan and I in our Thursday night session? He has chosen the topic for the evening - Maybe you could make a neutral third for the round table discussion.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Have you read nurseys posts?
  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Where "you" are the object of the preposition here, the pronoun should be "me."

    EX: Would you care to join Dan? Would you care to join me? Would you care to join Dan and me?

    EX: That was given to him. That was given to me. That was given to him and me. (Notice: it is not he and I)

    Get it?

    English MAJ

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I take the fact that he's a derranged, potential homicidal maniac seriously, but not his skewed take on the political situation or the 'shrewd' analogies he uses to illustrate them.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Occasionally. It was better before the broken hand.
  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Did you break your hand too?

  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Was the bull that threw the cat in the air a "a derranged, potential homicidal maniac"?

    I would say he had manic thoughts of a violent nature. I? also think they were healthy thoughts. It's likely that the bulls I believe could have killed the cats and did not. Personally I was hoping they would push them into the water and then see the crocks have their lunch. But then I guess that would make me a "a derranged, potential homicidal maniac" ::) anyone else wishing the bulls sent the cats in the water to their demise. :-\ Your all a bunch of crazy "unhinged, fanatical nutjobs" ;D

    Ah just making another shrewed anology. 8)
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So, you are advocating the Law of the Jungle for the answer to humanity's problems? That's very Straussian of you.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Gosh thanks
  19. smiles

    smiles New Member

    oh joe joe.... if you;re trying to draw comparison to americas current situation the least you could do is make a more realistic analogy....
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok so the leader bull is leading the pack he has his nose in the air is thinking something is wrong but not sure. He goes with what he has that tells him that there are some dirt lumps in the road but cautiously moves forward. They are attacked.

    Meanwhile there is another faction of the herd that hates it that their choice representative bull is not the leader. So they see this as an opportunity immediately they start a propaganda campaign "He tricked us into getting a calf killed!" “let’s not band together as a team that’s just what his evil genius is wanting us to do!”

    The faction of the herd who back the leader say "I think we need to show a force of power against the lions so that they know we are not weak and just an opportunity to exploit." "Besides we could get him back."

    Meanwhile the anti leader faction intervenes "It's impossible the calf is already a goner and its is the “cowboy” leader’s fault he led us down the trail under false pretenses! We do not want to risk the safety of the herd!” “It is a reckless plan to try to be a cowboy! We cannot scare the lions and instead we will simply make them angry with us!"

    The loyal faction gets a posse together to try to save the lion. And goes into action.

    The Anti faction is on the ropes and knows their chances are doomed if the calf is saved. The anti faction does everything in its power to ensure that calf is eaten and that hopefully (in their minds) more buffalo die. Anti faction succeeds and wins in the death and destruction of many herd members they can hardly contain their gleeful emotions inevitably gaining control of the herd.

    The Lions know the herd is weak and will not defend itself and therefore becomes fat, happy and strengthens their numbers. Hunts the Buffalo down one by one.

    The Loyal faction never regains power; generations of buffalo are indoctrinated into a brainwash scheme that all their problems started when "Mr. Cowboy" made the lions angry.

    How is that then is that a little more realistic?

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