Delerium Tremens

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by JEFE, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know Dan we all know to well about silly ass trial lawyers here in the states personally I hate the little parasitic maggots. Using a thinly veiled threat like that is a bit low class.

    Why don't you two kiss and make up?
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Be not a bit concerned Brother Joseph. If you are referring to Brother Dan and myself in your plea for reconciliation, please be comforted in the knowledge that we are merely banting about in a fraternal sort of manner. Unbeknowst to others, Dan and I are beau coup pals. We oft sharpen our professional skills by exchanging bits of genius and relieving our boredom with late night chats and IM's. We talk of things that would surely bore the rest of the forum, such as finding deals on malpractice insurance, how to blame an unsuspecting colleague for our mistakes, and occasionally, when Nursey or Smiles joins the chat, we exchange cannabis brownie recipes and share our contacts for black market hormone replacement drugs and steroids. I am pretty sure that Dan enjoys the chats more than the others, because I often find him logged in chat alone, just waiting for someone to log in. I like to help him out because he is lonely, and he is a Brother, and even a pathetic whiner like Dan deserves a hug every now and then.

    Thanks for the suggestion though. You are a good guy for being concerned.

    Oh, and if you were referring to someone else, ignore all of that.
  3. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Why don't you run along and play some video games or mommy might not let you have your afternoon coolaid.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know the other of the two could be almost anyone. :-\
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    It's Kool-Aid dumb ass.
  6. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Sorry, some of us don't drink it anymore.
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    And some of us have actually had sex, with a member of the opposite sex, and had kids. Retard.
  8. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I am thinking the product of that sex is probably something I never want to see seeing as how shallow the water is in that particular gene pool.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That's pretty funny coming from a guy from Kentucky. Dr. Cut N' Paste. It's okay, we know you are really a genius and barely inbred at all. Remember, even after you divorce her, she's still your sister.
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    There are over 1 million people living in Louisville, KY. It is the 16th largest city in the U.S. The cut and paste you are referring to is called a REFERENCE. That is the magic word for today kiddies. REFERENCE. It is something that is very important in medicine and medical research. Coolaids on me.

    phatboy: "YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yes, one million people, 3 last names. ::)
  12. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I don't see anything I cut and pasted in this thread. I may have cited an article.
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    WTF are you talking about now? That was a reference(Yaaaa) to your posting in general.
  14. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    citing an article Is providing a reference. That is your magic word for tomorrow. Boy! You are really a gunner!! You are almost ready to test out of 5th grade!

    This is a reference:

    These are references from that reference:
    Phenytoin is ineffective in preventing ethanol withdrawal seizures.
    BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 10 of 10
    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Blum K, Eubanks JD, Wallace JE, Hamilton H: Enhancement of alcohol withdrawal convulsions in mice by haloperidol. Clin Toxicol 1976; 9(3): 427-34[Medline].
    Girard DE, Kumar KL, McAfee JH: Alcohol intoxication and withdrawal. Med Rounds 1988; 1: 158-164.
    Hamilton RJ: Substance withdrawal. In: Goldfrank LR, et al. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; 1998: 1127-1143.
    Hodges B, Mazur JE: Intravenous ethanol for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in critically ill patients. Pharmacotherapy 2004 Nov; 24(11): 1578-85[Medline].
    ISBELL H, FRASER HF, WIKLER A, et al: An experimental study of the etiology of rum fits and delirium tremens. Q J Stud Alcohol 1955 Mar; 16(1): 1-33[Medline].
    Klijn IA, van der Mast RC: Pharmacotherapy of alcohol withdrawal delirium in patients admitted to a general hospital. Arch Intern Med 2005 Feb 14; 165(3): 346[Medline].
    Moore M, Gray MG: Delirium tremens: A study of cases at the Boston City Hospital, 1915-1936. N Engl J Med 1939; 220: 953-956.
    Saitz R, Mayo-Smith MF, Roberts MS, et al: Individualized treatment for alcohol withdrawal. A randomized double-blind controlled trial. JAMA 1994 Aug 17; 272(7): 519-23[Medline].
    Schuckit MA: Alcoholism and drug dependency. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 1991; 2146-2151.
    Tan CY, Weaver DF: Molecular pathogenesis of alcohol withdrawal seizures: the modified lipid-protein interaction mechanism. Seizure 1997 Aug; (4): 255-74[Medline].
    Trevisan LA, Boutros N, Petrakis IL, Krystal JH: Complications of alcohol withdrawal: pathophysiological insights. Alcohol Health Res World 1998; 22(1): 61-6[Medline].
    Tsai G, Gastfriend DR, Coyle JT: The glutamatergic basis of human alcoholism. Am J Psychiatry 1995 Mar; (3): 332-40[Medline].
    VICTOR M, ADAMS RD: The effect of alcohol on the nervous system. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis 1953; 32: 526-73[Medline].
    Wasilewski D, Matsumoto H, Kur E, et al: Assessment of diazepam loading dose therapy of delirium tremens. Alcohol Alcohol 1996 May; 31(3): 273-8[Medline].
    Wax PM: Withdrawal syndromes. The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine. 2nd ed. 1996: 1434-1439.
    Zaloga GP: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome medications. In: The Critical Care Drug Handbook. 1991: 40-45.
  15. improtected

    improtected New Member

    ok, at this point, neither of you have won the biggest dick contest. so could you please move on to something else?
  16. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    How big a dick are you looking for?
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Pardon me, but Dan won the contest long ago. Dan IS the biggest Dick in the forum.

    (keep your thoughts on who is second to yourself please)
  18. improtected

    improtected New Member

    dream on, little sprout
  19. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I am thinking the product of that sex your mom had with her landlord could've benefited from a bit of chlorine in that particular gene pool.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The issue with dan is that 1)he thinks he is smarter than everybody 2)he thinks he is above everyone else 3)he thinks by posting what certain doctors make in certain areas we will all be impressed with him 4)he actually knows what an unconcious 13 year old girls bosum feels like(and bragged about it).

    If dan ever won a big unit contest he would have to forfeit, cause the one he has parked in his anus isnt really his.

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