OK Barry the irrational behavior of people on a whole in the last 10 years.

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by TheGrimJesus, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I was walking thru the living room last night when I caught a story that made me think of this topic. A women drove her car through a parade because she was upset that the road was closed. This is with a long line of things and stories of irrational and animalistic behavior I feel has increased in the last 10 to 20 years.

    Could it be the use of growth hormones,steroids, and other bio engineering on the food supply that are making people more angry? This is the only large link I can find that would cause some of these things. combined with longer work hours and all the electromagnetic waves flowing through the air. Something has to be causing the mass anger in society today.
  2. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I asked around and here's everyone's answers:

    Barry - "she has AD/HD"
    Joe - "blame the media"
    Nursey - "it was Bush's fault"
    pimp - "whatever Nursey said"
    phatboy - "women drivers"
    Smurf - "what is the sound of a car crashing into a parade?"
    Dwaine - "I just farted"
    Dan - (he just posted some Karen Carpenter video - WTF?)
    Schmed deferred comment as he was sleeping one off.

    So, here's my answer: That was perfectly normal behavior to drive down that road except for the fine detail of there being a parade there. It's just a misfortunate clash of different entities trying to occupy the same time and space.

    Have a weekend. I gotta go drink something.

  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I laughed
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    What about Smiles, Imp, Nauseus, Spoon,....now I know how the award show winners feel like when they try to go down a list of names the thank.

    I think its busy schedules. We have every convenience in the world to make our life easier and more simple. But our lives are more complex than they ever have been.

    We could all take a lesson from Sheriff Andy Taylor in the peacefull little town of Mayberry. Either that or get a house on the lake and a party barge and just say fuckit.

    They sure had it rough back then what without a cure for aids, no healthcare, no guaranteed government retirement check, no computers to surf the internet.
  5. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I wasn't saying life was better back then. I'm talking about all the things that are in our system that wasn't in the past.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know at first its gotta sound weird sorta smurfish. But we keep raising the frequencies for radio devices with comercial grade circuittr able to handle the high requencies at low voltage and amplify signals. And when we do that enables us to have millions of new devices that work in unique frequencies take cell phones for instance. They are taking television and radio broadcast and going digital and when they do it will open the bandwidth wide the hell open. In other words you like to listen to 99.7 rock station the next one on the dial up is 100.1 which sometimes bleeds over due to frequency drift from their analog output. Well not any more. And you could lets just assume some numbers and throw them in the mix, theoretically have 2000 stations between 99.7 and 100.1 each with clear reception. Think about it and pretty soon its just insane the human mind cannot comprehend the amount of radio frequencies buzzing around. :-\
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think it has to do with entitlement issues and people thinking they are the most important person on the planet.

    "I mean who the fuck has a parade when I have an appointment to get my hair done? It would take like an extra 8 minutes for me to drive around the damn thing and that shit aint happening, I'll teach these old fuckers in the go-carts...."

    That might not be 100% but I bet it's something stupid like that...
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Dan is a pefert example of that.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Your comedic genius is being wasted. Brilliant stuff.

    My actual answer for this one would be my cover all syndrome #2, which is Cluster B personality disorder.

    Cluster B is on the rise, and I blame it on Burger King. It is a little known fact that Burger King was originally called "Insta Burger King". They were the first to tell people that they can "have it your way", instantly. This fed the instant self gratification gene in humans, which has produced an entire nation of people who believe that they are "special", deserve immediate attention their needs, and the rules of society do not apply to them.

    see here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burger_King#History
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Personally... And I might catch a bit of criticism for my opinion, but hear me out.

    We've got two factors at work here, and they both happen to be intertwined, at least vicariously.

    If you think about it, we, as humans, as much as we disassociate ourselves from the natural world, are indeed animals by nature. As such, we shouldn't be surprised when our society adopts certain instinctive behavior in our own unique way. If we draw comparisons between animal populations and ourselves, you will notice that certain things have a striking correlation. One example would be the sudden 'explosion' of 'out and about' homosexuals. Now, homosexuality has been an element of history for as long as it's been recorded, and is something natural - and I'm not going to even comment on the religious impact on this - but suffice it to say, we're seeing a bit more of it today than in the past. This bears a striking resemblance to animal nature, in that when a population nears it's carrying capacity, and the potential exists for the population to exceed the available resources, there is some sort of internal form of checks and balances that produces a few individuals whom are attracted to the same sex, and are able to live their lives without producing any more individuals to add to the population.

    The other point I want to bring up is the fact that we, as humans, hold some sort of sacred idea that every life is important. One may call it 'the sanctity of life' - and as much as it gives us a good feeling inside to attempt to save every life that is brought into this world, it directly contradicts Darwinism. Think about it. If a cat decides to move her kittens and leaves one behind, it means one of two things: Either there was some defect in the kitten, and the mother exercised her instinct to stop supporting the cat, or there weren't enough resources available to support the size of the litter produced. This inborn instinct is designed to promote the survival of the species - because that is what is really important.

    We, as humans, have placed this unnatural sanctity on every individual life, that we've deluded ourselves into thinking that every individual born should have the same protection and rights that everyone else has, simply because they happened to be born. As a result, we're seeing persistent diseases and disorders reoccurring in our population - all of which would eventually be eliminated through the process of natural selection (not to mention, the enormous profit motives that the pharmaceutical companies love, of course)

    I am merely touching upon the surface of my beliefs here, but getting back to the thread topic, I'm assuming that the woman whom had the superior intelect and posessed the thought process that led her to drive her car through the parade... would never have lived long enough to do that if my system was in place. ::)
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I agree with most of your points. And look at the Medical establishment and infertility. people having kids later in life than normal. Just not sure about the population limit part. Look at some of the most populated areas of the world that have less homo's
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I have not yet studied the relationship between population sizes in different geographical locations, but plan to. It'll be time-consuming, as I'll have to research the predominant religions of the areas, and factor in how 'acceptable' it is in each culture for someone to be a homosexual. This would probably skew 'reports' from each locale, for obvious reasons (if it's not acceptable, not as many people will be 'out of the closet', so to speak.) This would include the people that choose a life of conformity that contradicts their own natural inclinations (I.E. - the guy that gets married and fantasizes about men while fucking his wife doggy-style...)

    That's where I see Dan in a couple of years.

    At any rate, and I haven't mentioned this in the forums before, I'm in the early stages of writing a book. Not a novel, of course, but a serious examination on human culture, society, life, and the problems (and possible solutions) that I foresee. As I stated before, I'm merely touching upon that particular topic, and as for the book itself - it will not be well received by a lot of people. It will be highly controversial. It will also probably not make a serious impact during the course of my life - but, for those that take the time to read it and consider my theories and observations, I hope that it inspires a few of them to expand upon my work, because after all - survival of the species is the most important aspect of life itself.

    This is something that I don't just "plan to finish," but have committed myself to doing. It may very well be my life's work. By nature, I'm notorious for starting projects and never finishing them, but if it takes my dying breath to finish this book, I will do it. And don't worry, every Fugly member will get an automatic 10% off the retail price through Amazon.com... ;D
  13. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    You are the one who posts in all these man love threads. I am straighter than an arrow so leave me out of your homosexual novelette.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Are you saying that Lomo arouses you? ;D
  15. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member


    MAJ Havoc's thoughts -

    On survival of the species: What's normal? I waited later in life to have children as have many who have made a plan for their lives. Unfortunately, many less educated men in my region seek to breed as soon as they find a suitable semen receptacle. This leads to a jump start of new knuckleheads who stand little chance of becoming more than a dim-witted clone of their fathers (read: sperm donors.) The species will survive but may be overrun by ugly-bumping cretins.

    On homosexuality: I don't blame homos for being homos. I am straight. I like women (a lot.) I don't like them 'cuz the Bible tells me so. I don't like them because society demands it. I must assume homosexuals are just wired differently. I would prefer they not display affection in front of me. If I keep my incessant masturbating to anime a secret, so, too, should they "keep it in the closet."

    On Lomo: Some of your posts as of late have been insightful, intelligent, and thought-provoking. It's like a really smart body-snatcher has taken you over while the hollow husk of your former self lies decaying beneath your Pac-Man table-top. But it's cool. Good luck with the book. Put in lots of pictures and I'll thumb through it.
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the maj is on to something here.

    People who have kids young, without the financial means to support them, the maturity and patience to be a parent, the intelligence to help mold young minds, just breeds more ignorant people. I am not saying stupid, broke people cant have good kids, I have a nephew-in-law that is 7 and he is the smartest person in his house.

    I took a different path.

    I had my kid young, I just didnt want to be one of those old dads. When my son is 20, I will be 45. My step daughter is almost 11, I'm planning on retiring right about the time my kids are going to college. I dont want to work my butt off till I'm 65, retire and then be dead by 67.

    But I havent ran over any shriners or parade watchers.

    It takes a lot for me to get mad. I just have the "F-it" gene I guess. and I'm not on any medication and dont smoke weed. (yet ;D).
  17. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Well put. Every time I see one of these 20-something mothers pushing their shopping cart around a store full of kids and a trail of the little bastards congregated around her, I take a deep sigh and realize - this is the future of mankind. When did we, as a society, abandon the "Oh great... another mouth to feed" mentality in favor of the "Cool! Another tax write-off, and more food stamps!" school of thought?

    Some people should embrace their sexuality and liberate themselves. It's no use bottling it up, and feigning homophobia, ala Dan... ::)

    Thank you for the kind words... I suppose I moved away from those power lines just in the nick of time.
  18. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    But don't you miss the sweet soothing, sounds of AM radio that used to pipe in through the plate in your head?
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok that’s great that you waited in life to have children and did so for righteous reasons. But the thread is regarding irrational behavior. I'm only referring to the point because of evidence that recently indicates having children later in life increases the risk of birth defects. I’m not talking about having a third eyeball but even the most simple transparent almost un-noticed behavioral or emotional quirks. If you want a valid and honest discussion on the topic I hope you are not expecting me to measure my words by how well they will be accepted.

    As for the whole homosexual thing I have said it hundreds of times here I have no animosity against gays although it seems in society that saying anything that can be in any way possibly construed as remotely against the grain of popular consensus is the antithesis of proper but rather the ultimate in taboo.

    Take your bible obsession out of the picture. Gay is simply a perversion. Not unlike the philanderer is a pervert. Bestiality is a perversion, break away from the whole sex idea. A chronic liar is a pervert. He has a perverted sense of right and wrong.

    How about thinking outside of the box for a change. I already know what is and is not politically correct to say in this society but to constantly have to but my head against the P.C. police is so very tiresome.

  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think he was probably eluding to the fact that the chick was probably reared by young parents. Who probably never told her 'no', and gave her whatever she wanted just so she'd shut the fuck up. So when she got older she figures the same thing applies that applied all throughout her childhood.

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