It's only the arrogance of the human mind that previces it's the only capable being of thought and emotion.
Elephants actually mourn their losses... I've seen video of a few gathered around an elephant skeleton, crying, and even picking up the bones with their trunks and rocking them back and forth like they do their young...
Ok so the leader bull is leading the pack he has his nose in the air is thinking something is wrong but not sure. He goes with what he has that tells him that there are some dirt lumps in the road but cautiously moves forward. They are attacked. Meanwhile there is another faction of the herd that hates it that their choice representative bull is not the leader. So they see this as an opportunity immediately they start a propaganda campaign "He tricked us into getting a calf killed!" “let’s not band together as a team that’s just what his evil genius is wanting us to do!” The faction of the herd who back the leader say "I think we need to show a force of power against the lions so that they know we are not weak and just an opportunity to exploit." "Besides we could get him back." Meanwhile the anti leader faction intervenes "It's impossible the calf is already a goner and its is the “cowboy” leader’s fault he led us down the trail under false pretenses! We do not want to risk the safety of the herd!” “It is a reckless plan to try to be a cowboy! We cannot scare the lions and instead we will simply make them angry with us!" The loyal faction gets a posse together to try to save the lion. And goes into action. The Anti faction is on the ropes and knows their chances are doomed if the calf is saved. The anti faction does everything in its power to ensure that calf is eaten and that hopefully (in their minds) more buffalo die. Anti faction succeeds and wins in the death and destruction of many herd members they can hardly contain their gleeful emotions inevitably gaining control of the herd. The Lions know the herd is weak and will not defend itself and therefore becomes fat, happy and strengthens their numbers. Hunts the Buffalo down one by one. The Loyal faction never regains power; generations of buffalo are indoctrinated into a brainwash scheme that all their problems started when "Mr. Cowboy" made the lions angry.
Joe goes to take a shit one night, but he realizes that he's out of toilet paper. The young rebels in his domicile have squandered that which he has painstakingly worked to acquire, the quilted double roll. He is stuck on the toilet without a single square while both cheeks are smeared with razor bumps and feces. He knows that to act in such a state might seem unbecoming the head of the tribe and he knows that it is quite likely what the opposing rebels want. Yet to sit and accept his fate is to give in to their act of terrorism. Boldly he rises, pants adorning his ankles yet his resolve is set. He waddles his way out of the washroom, the fresh fesces squishing between his recently shaven tush. He barges into the rebel camp, his timing seems fortuitous, not only has he caught his own dissenters but a few from opposing nations as well. In front of them lies a map of the downtown core, they gamble for the streets, railways and utilities as if they were mere playthings. His resolve hardens. He moves across the room fairly swiftly, as swiftly as circumstance permits. The rebels, being thrown off by his advance begin to cry with fear, "FAKIN' COWARDS", he screams. He raises his fist to strike the closest to him but in his fervor he forgets about his pants. THUD. He drops to the ground face first, his hairless cheeks sit still, as a tribute to what once was.
Thankyou smiles. I am in awe of the profoundly meaningful message to be gleaned from this masterpiece and it's relevance to events taking place on a global level.
That and seeing Joe get sand kicked in his face straight after he'd had his ego gently fellated by you.
Watching that video I was secretly hoping that one of the lions would have gotten snatched by one of the crocodiles. That would have been awesome. As it sulks back from the bull, on the edge of the water, FOOOSH, the croc grabs the lion by the hind leg and pulls it beneath the water and starts the 'death roll'.
I really do not know what to say Nursey. I have a harder time accepting a compliment than I do criticism. Actually truth be known I was pretty satisfied with Smiles little prose seems that he (of course he will deny this) put some effort into it. A logical person would look at the whole picture. Let’s take it from the top. Dan posts a video. I happen to check it out and observe it for what it is and express my gratitude in the way of confirming what an awesome video it is. It's like a veritable Aesop’s fable there for the enlightenment of the viewer who cares to take notice. I come up with my own scenario and point out basically what I consider a truth on the intuitions of human nature and benefit of overcoming fear, being courageous and defending ones self. One that if I might compliment myself is very well said and quite obviously proven. Even the voices in the background backing up my analogy. Apparently the accuracy of my point and how well the story was executed struck a chord in your arch ally Smiles. Your co-conspirator in the quest for all that is anti-American. Barry’s approval was a good affirmation to me that my point made logical sense I do value his opinion. But if there was any doubt whatsoever Smiles little labor intensive, inflamed, pointed attack confirmed any doubts that I had hit a home run at least for anyone intuitive enough to comprehend what they viewed as well as what they then read. Your small little contribution well that’s just icing on the cake. Thanks for the compliment.
Yeah I was hoping that the bulls would push at least one of the big cats into the water for the same reason. Oh and Nursey see my signature, the picture? It all says the same thing as the anology consistant with my position.
ah yes the usual joe response "blah blah blah, the fact that you disagree with me means you're anti-american, blah blah blah, everything you say proves my point, blah blah blah, everything you say has anti-american undertones" joey joe, my little concoction was just meant to prove that you can take any situation and apply to it some contrived deeper political meaning or distort it to use as an analogy to prove some far-fetched political point... so although it was nicely written it doesn’t prove anything.... it reads like a pitch for a bad Disney animated film
Most disney movies are pretty damn good especially for kids. I think you are trying to defame the American film making industry which is as everyone knows the best in the world.
what?!?! that's INSANE!!! next thing you'll be saying that in reality I'm an agent for a Bollywood based production company that's actually a front for a Liberal media terrorist branch bent on destrying america by corrupting their family values..... WHICH I'M NOT!!!!
I dont know if dan was being sarcastic or not, but I have seen some really good films out of the UK. Plus in almost every Disney film someone has to die. A parent, a sick kid, someone is getting the dirt nap faster than if dan was their doctor in the ER. :-X