Alright. I am not going to post a picture of my diploma for 3 reasons: 1. I don't give a shit 2. I don't give a shit 3. I am not representing myself as your doctor I am shooting the shit on an internet forum not practicing medicine without a license or malpractice insurance. "Anything I say should be verified by your doctor." Having said that if you look at the color of the "hood" in the picture with my cap and gown it is green which is a color used specifically for a doctorate of medicine.
Yeah, you would be the life of the party with something noone but you and possibly someone who graduated from medical school (who would wonder what the fuck was wrong with you) would recognize.
Anyone who can finish their premed requirements with a 3.5 or higher and probably 10's on their verbal reasoning, physical science including physics 1 and 2, gen chem 1 and 2, organic chem 1 and 2, pass the step 1 with a score of higher than 184 and step 2 higher than 184 as well as not piss off anyone enough to get flunked out and also pass physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, histology, neuroscience, statitstics, clinical practice skills, as well as the internal medicine national shelf exams, the surgery nat shelfs, the psychiatry nat shelf, family medicine, pediatrics national shelf, ob/gyn national shelf, neurology national shelf exam and some other shit I don't remember off the top of my head. Of course I did alot better than just passing.
and 10 on biologic science MCAT. I think any one of those requirements would very very likely rule you out. Thanks for playing.
Did I say me? I mean the guys on ER I would let check me out before you. Admit it Dan your not a real Doctor but you play one on the Internet.
...oh yeah and especially the writing component in which you have to write an essay in 15 minutes for the MCAT.
You don't get very good care in the ER unless you are dying. It is a mistake to go to the ER unless you have a genuine emergency. They are a triage for the hospital. Unless you belong in the hospital you are getting discharged with likely no treatment and an advisement to go see your primary care guy.
Which reminds me. I did an ER rotation as well. You don't get to pick your ER doc they are assigned to you.
I don't know what ER you mop floors at. (you remind me of the janitor on scrubs by the way) But it says right on the door that they must treat everyone and not turn anyone away no matter the case. If you were a doctor you would know that. I have always gotten great care in ERs.
ER are not for routine care you idiot. It costs upwards of 1,000 dollars for an ER visit. If it can wait until tommorow you go to your primary care guy.
If you could you already would. Like me. We would miss you though. Keep in mind that I really don't hate you. I still have high hopes of you working for me one day. Start thinking "employee". It has a nice safe ring to it.
I mean if you get a momment from being a fluffer for the donkey show, it would be much appreciated. Regards, Checkers