OK Dan

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by TheGrimJesus, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    He said that he found a picture of you from grade school.

  2. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    That's because I'm not fluent in dumbass...sorry
  3. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    You're not fluent any anything else I don't know why you would be fluent in dumbass. i'm surprised you can even use the word fluent in a sentence.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    still doesn't dispute the fact you're a dumbass.
  5. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I thought I already explained how idiotic it is to say "I am taking such and such medication tell me why" A patient walks into the doctor's office: Patient: "I am taking nexium tell me why?" Doctor: "First tell me what brings you here" translation: shut up dumbass I'll ask the questions. Patient: "No. I'm testing your ability to be a good doctor." Doctor: "Maybe you would be more comfortable with another Doctor. I think we can arrange that." translation: No way in hell I'm wasting more than 45 seconds on getting rid of this fkn moron and the chances he ever steps foot in my office again are slim and none."
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Barry didn't seem to have a problem, But he's a real doctor so.....
  7. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Barry is not a "doctor" to be a doctor you have to have a doctorate degree. He does not have a PhD in psychology, medicine, sociology, counseling, whatever. It's possible he may have a masters degree which makes him a doctor of nothing. Even if he were a "doctor" as in having a PhD in psychology that would not in any way qualify him to make a statement with regard to medication or disease of the gastrointestinal tract. You know what Grim. You are refreshingly retarded. It has been on rare occassions that I have met someone as retarded as you. That makes you special. I bet your wife has some kind of retard perversion. I would keep her well away from anything involving a short bus or you may find yourself in the midst of a retard sex scandal.
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Well once again you are at least Barry has the degree....
  9. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    What degree is that? Maybe he can tell us. I have an MD, an MS in addition to my undergraduate degree. I have degrees out the asshole. I am therefore awarding you based upon my degreed status the honorary degree of a PhD in being retarded.
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    1-2 more years and I could also have a PhD having already obtained a Masters degree in Physiology.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Uh, that is an odd place to keep them. Which proctologist put them there?

    Oh I'm sorry, colorectal specialist...... :eek:
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    From Pat Robison U? I mean aren't doctors suppose to have ethics & blah blah everything you lack pretty much. I mean you couldn't even Google a medication and give a very vanilla explanation.
  13. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    blah blah blah pretty much sums up your posts. If told you what the most common causes for prescribing a proton pump inhibiter or medication that decreases the acidity of gastric secretions in lay terms. You are not making sense what part of that do you not understand?
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Grim, since he wont tell you, here it is, Esomeprazole(Nexium) is approved for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and in combination with amoxicillin and clarithromycin for the treatment of patients with ulcers and H. pylori infection. Since it is very similar to omeprazole, it also is likely that it will be used for the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. But in my expert opinion, I just think you have heartburn and gas.
  15. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    The medication in question works on a H+ ion which is an acid as it lacks 1 electron for it's 1 proton. It is therefore an acid as it attracts negatively charged electrons to neutralize it's one bare positively charged proton. In the stomach the hydrogen ion or H+ is secreted into the gastric secretions to acidify them in response to the hormone gastrin. In exchange for this positively charged secretion a positively charged potassium ion is absorbed K+. The medication inhibits this exchange thus decreasing the acidity of the stomach which can be useful in such cases as gastric reflux where the acid goes up into the esophagus or in the case peptic ulcer disease where the acidity causes a lesion in the duodenum. Sometimes lesion can be caused by more acid such as can be the case with a gastrin secreting tumor or it can just be idiopathic in which case their is no known reason. Ulcers can also be facilitated by Helicobacter pylori infections which break down the mucuous in the stomach in which case an ulcer in the stomach is usually caused not by increased gastric acidity but by decreased mucous coating the lining of the stomach due to the H. Pylori infection. Ulcers in the duodenum by contrast are usually associated with increased acidity of the stomach. Reflux is usually caused by loss of tone of the lower esophageal sphincter which can be an indication for a proton pump inhibiter like omeprazole. When an H. Pylori infection is the cause of an ulcer a proton pump inhibiter like nexium (one of the azoles) is prescribed in combination with antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the decrease in protective mucuous lining the stomach and decrease the acidity of the stomach while the ulcer heals.
  16. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I already posted that earlier as you will clearly see. Zollinger-ellison syndrome is caused by a gastrin secreting tumor and as you say is probably unlikely.
  17. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    ....Other causes of peptic ulcer dz other than H. Pylori inculde overuse of Nonsterioidal antiinflammatory drugs and such things as trauma and burns and some more rare things like zollinger ellison dz.
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I am an Internet Doctor. No credentials required.*

    *Experience as a Diesel Mechanic helpful.

    I am also licensed to practice independently in my profession. How about you Dan?
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Dan, save your wind. I am the only one that read this.

    Well written by the way. I have good writing skills when you are sober.
  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member


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