Stick with it past the one minute mark. I think I saw a familiar face.
Apparently you're ignorant enough to watch more than 15 secs of that shit. Maybe you can summarize that stupid shit for us while your mom put's on your underpants.
Okay. I'mmm the retard.....mmmhmmmm I don't look anything like Jeffrey Dahmer. I don't have blonde hair. I don't have anywhere near the say facial bone structure. I don't have the same skin color except after his ass had been sitting in jail for a year with no sunlight. Your picture in fact looks more like him then me.
No. I am just pointing out that I don't look like Jeffrey Dahmer. We can post pics and compare if you like. It is absurd.
It seems to really bother you being called that. So maybe that is why I do it. But anyway, my original post said, "I think you look like dahmer" as in crazy enough to cut up one of your boyfriends and keep his head in your freezer so you can fuck it randomly. Thats all I was saying, nothing personal. Geez. ???
You sound more like Jeffrey Dahmer just by coming up with the shit. If I was a detective and there was a case that was unsolved and you were in proximity and I had these posts as evidence you would become an A-1 suspect just by virtue of your fixation.
Now that I actually watched the video I learned a lot. Notice the Tennessee state flag? They probably imported the dumbasses from Kentucky. I still think Dan is just one bad blind date away from eating gay teenagers bodies that he keeps in his fridge.
You realize if you said that to a psychiatrist they would write down in their notes that you are projecting your own feelings of self doubt about your sexuality and your need to suck dick on someone else. So I suggest you go swallow a dick and shut the fuck up about it. Noone's interested.
Am i right,your names dan but your logged in as michelle???? Forgive me if im wrong it happens a lot.
Yes, he is a cross-dressing trans-sexual trapped in a mans body. We think. Michelle is his tranny name.