Ice cream sandwiches are delicious for low fat shit. 1.5 gram of fat and 130 calories for all of you fellow fat asses. And they are decent sized:
Sounds good on paper. Till you find out like the Lays slogan "You can't eat just one" 1.5 gram of fat times 15 = 21.5 gram of fat 130 calories times 15 = 1950 calories
Actually, lays has the fat free potato chips with olestra. They taste just the same. Dorito's and Ruffles also have the low fat. Of course saturated and trans fat are most important. Still alot of salt though. Olestra is a type of fat that can't be absorbed in the intestine that is why it taste the same but you don't get any of the fat.
Which can be bad or not so bad depending on whether you are "salt sensitive" meaning excess salt causes you to become hypertentensive (blood pressure goes up with salt).
Well it said 7% of people who eat 12 oz. I can eat a whole bag with no effects so I guess I am one of the other 93% of people who don't have a problem.
Arent you the one that has the IBS and stuff? It would be crazy to think olestra, or olean, doesnt irritate you.
I don't have any kind of problem with my bowels. Nauseuas (I hate spelling her name when drunk as it is hard enough sober) had IBS maybe she can eat a bag and post some pics and a narrative on her anal leakage experience.
becareful of the stuff that uses sorbatol and monatol to sweeten it. It will give you explosive diarrhea
Got to agree sorbatol and mannitol or any of the "sugar alcohols" in sugar free candy give me explosive diarrhea which isn't as bad as the gas which is so bad it feels like a knife as if my intestines are about to explode from gas. That first BBBBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and then a bunch of stringy shit comes out and then another BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT and more diarrhea and on and on for about an hour. Does clean out your bowels pretty well though.
I ate some of those russel stovers sugar free m&m deals one time. It said a single serving was like 35 of the bitches. I ate 12, then about 1/2 hour later I felt like one of those people on Alien with the fucking alien in my stomach. I wish I had a' shitted, cause my stomach was hurting like dwaine had kicked me in my ball sack with his doc martens. If Russel Stover was a real live person I think I would have found him and kicked his ass. And make him eat a whole bag of those fucking things.
yeah man, thats the Sorbotol, it tastes like real sugar, but boy, does it leave your intestines SCREAMING. It's a cool joke to play at halloween, pass that shit out to the kids, it's a timed joke, it takes a few hours for the punchline