What was that gum that everyone said you could eat the wrapper too? Or were people just trying to get me to eat the wrapper? Mintaburst?
That's fucking sick. I think my sister got me to eat my own shit though when I was a baby. At least she claimed it one time.
That's a funny pic. This girl that I used to work with and I would pic random pics from google and set them to our desktop at work. Then we'd tell people that they were members of our family like we were proud. It was our way of making fun of their stupid family pictures on their desks. No one was the wiser. An example: This is my cousin Laura, her handsome hubby Scott and Shelby and Jake:
No that's actually me and 2 of my three brothers. I think I am the one on the left but I can't be sure as I have an identical twin brother. We were playing king of the hill trying to knock each other off the snowmound. You can't really tell from the picture because of the hood. It is from the 1970's. We had a big snow with 6-8 foot drifts. Actually 2 big snows one after the other. The guy in the snow suit was our best friend from the neighborhood and the smiling guy is a guy from a few neighborhoods away. I still see those guys occassionally.
What the fuck does that have to do with Chewing Gum!?!?!?!?!? Those pics are pretty good though, I like the sweet 70s parka type deals. I am so glad I live in the south. The only snow we got was for like a day. So we just have the cool pics with the short shorts and knee high 'football' socks. I like fruit stripes flavor, but the flavor didnt last long, the cinnaburst had the 'edible' wrappers, but I dont know if it was true, I ate a bunch of the paper if it wasnt.....
I was thinking it was a moose for some reason but now that you mention it your right. Seems like he would chew a piece and go bananas with fruit stripes all over. I guess you would say he went fruity but that was before fruity ment gay.
That gum had an odd taste, but then it only lasted about 8 seconds, so you would end up eating the whole pack in about 5 minutes. Fucking Zebra.
Man, that Zebra shit would lose it's flavor within a minute or two... Fuck that shit. I've always had an affinity for the typical 'bubble gum' flavor, probably attributed to my sick fascination with "Garbage Pail Kids" as a child...
Ive always thought Red Bull tastes a little like the traditional bubble gum taste, aside from its other flavours obviously. Have there been any other bubblegum flavour drinks? That would be kinda freaky.
Remember that waxy shit in bottles that you could bite the lid off and drink that sweet liquid inside? It was disgusting and always burned my throat. Like that generic juice with the tin foil lid. I used to get that shit at Super X when I was a kid.