I don't their preferences but I'm betting that Nursey and Joe would be at opposite ends of this argument.
Ha ha when you were a kid did you and your buddies try to shove the entire pouch in your mouth and chew til your jaw was on fire?
not that big, not as big as yours, I mean, you can fit my entire cock in there, and make an airtight seal around my balls
We have this new stuff called trident, there are mint and also fruit with some having the liquid centers of different flavours.. nice idea but it tastes like chemicals. I really fancy some Big Red now
: a mouse could fit your entire cock in its mouth and make an airtight seal around your excuse for balls.
Big Red is good but if you chew too much of it, it will fry your tastebuds. Anyone ever chew that Fruit Stripe shit? I don't know if they still make it. It was really waxy and lost it's flavor in 45 seconds. I would go through a pack in 10 minutes. Before his execution in December of 2006, Saddam Hussein's favorite treat was rumored among U.S. personel to be Fruit Stripe gum. JUICY FRUIT commerical from the 80's!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFr3oapzGc8