It's probably becuase you are a bipolar. Trust me. Ucicare will back me up on this he has already diagnosed half the forum with bipolar and/or ADHD.
ha ha ha just stop posting dude. Everyone here knows my problem because I didn't hide it. You fucking can't spell you can barley use English better then me. We all know about the past issues with substance abuse. You have anger issues and fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. Then the last post you responded to yourself. You have deep seated issues besides being a fucking idiot. I've never believed once you were in Medical School I don't buy it for a fucking second. I figured like most here I would just humor your fucking ass. But if by some strange act of fate someone did give you a fucking degree to practice when you do kill someone and you will kill someone because again your a fucking idiot. I hope the family not only sues you that they sue the hack fucking school that gave you the goddamn degree. So why don't you hit up a meeting ask your sponsor for a good fucking shrink and get on some goddamn happy pills so we all can stop be subjected to your adolescent bullshit. Because if you haven't noticed the board as evolved to a point were everyone gets along pretty well and it's not one big fucking flame war. So instead of trying to upset the apple cart go play fucking Dr. Mario.
Uh, I still like the image of britneys clean shaven 'tooty' singing. It would be cool if you could make it quiver and put a big burrrrrp at the end of it. (period) :
I would like to publically offer an apology to Dan. An by apolgy I mean humiliation. Dan just hates me because I outed him the first week he was here. Narcissist. He admires himself so much that he occasionally kisses his own ass.
I take it all back. You are a comic genius. "Which one?" (.5 secs to type too!) So quick on the draw! I can't hope to compete against your huge high wattage comedy generating brain. :'(