The Mayan's are right. 2012 is the end. It's the Venutian Transit effect. i researched it myself, and here is the proof. Good bye everyone. It was real. 1631 1st predicted transit of Venus (Kepler) is observed Mount Vesuvious, Italy erupts, destroys 6 villages and kills 4,000 1639 2nd transit 3 major earthquakes in Italy – (poor history records elsewhere) 1761 3rd transit Portuguese tsunami 1769 4th transit Los Angeles earthquake. San Francisco earthquake. Napoleon Bonaparte is born. The city of Brescia, Italy - massive explosion destoys city and kills 3000 (very eerie. Just like 9/11 almost except it was lightning not a plane. 1874 5th transit Winston Churchhill Born Bangladesh Earthquake and Tsunami 1882 6th transit Strongest Earthquake in Colorado history recorded North Panama Earthquake Franklin Roosevelt born 6’ of snow falls in Iowa in May. Never before or since. 100,000 die in Bombay with floods from cyclone 17” hailstones in Iowa in June. Tornadoes kill 300. 2004 7th transit Haiti tropical storm jeane kill 300 Hurricane Frances Hurricane Ivan Worst Hurricane season on record. (until 2005) Largest earthquake in 40 years kills 300,000 with tsunami Bush is re-elected. 2012 8th predicted transit THE MAYANS PREDICTED IT – THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOWN IT AS COMET HITS EARTH IN 2012. Its ture. Its real. I know it because an angel told me and I have only seen angels three other times and everytime it came true including the time one brought me an eskimo pie at school recess. ;D Barry
and if you need more proof - the next visit of Venus is on June 6, 2012. That 6-6 and 2012 is the same as 2/12 which is 6 and that guessed it ....666. 666 is the mark of the beast. The beast is a star named betelguese that is will send a metorite into earth. i know this for sure because betelgues is actually Alpha Orionis, or the Morning Star aka LUCIFER!!!!!!! So you need proof? Ok from the Wikipedia site it says this... measured angular diameter yields a radius 600 times that of the Sun.... an amazing 60,000 times brighter than our Sun..... Even the distance is subject to uncertainty, the luminosity ranging from 40,000 solar to 100,000 solar. and 100,000 -40,0000 = 60,000 !!!! so 6 - 00 6 - 0,000 6 - 0,000 If that ain't proof, you are blind.
Well something will happen in December of 2012 for the simple fact that the earth will stop it's wobble. Which is known to be bad. Because sometimes it can mean a reverse in rotation which will reak havoc. I do believe it's what ripped the original land mass apart and made into basically what we have today.
Ah no Barry you got it all wrong Al Gore has it figured out to be almost 9 years left actually 8 Years, 267 days, 15 hours, 37 minutes, and ~ 15 seconds, counting
I woke up this morning and read what I wrote. I honestly can't believe that I wasted three hours yesterday researching all that crap just to post something humorous here. I really do need help. But I won't need it much longer. We only have about 5 years until doomsday.
No. Worse than that. I'm not kidding. Here is a part of the letter - " Please advise your client to immediately cease any further contact with [Legear] or the Board Members. Also, advise your client that he is no longer allowed on the premises of the [Church]. If he returns after warning, this activity will be considered a criminal trespass." read it all if you like - I love Jesus. It's his "shepherds" that I am afraid of.
Unless the Church voluntarily incorporates itself under civil law. At that point it comes under the jurisdiction of the court as far as finacial dealings as a corporation are concerned. Simple case. Embezzlement was alleged. A member asked to see the finacial records and was denied. State law of a not for profit corporation says that any member can see the records at any time. The church was court ordered to open the records. Instead, they withdrew membership of the requestor. End of story. Well, almost the end. They just sold the property for $4.5 million. More cookies in the jar the way I see it.
That is the kind of stuff that the ACLU loves to use in order to validate their assault on religious freedoms. If someone was embezzling money I feel sorry for him. Blessed are the meek and the poor for they will enjoy great riches in heaven. I would assume that the opposite characteristic personality who steals from the church would pay a bit of a penalty.
Many Pastor types don't consider it stealing, since they are "annointed" and "God's chosen one" and "worthy of double honor" and "special and entitled and therefore above the law" and all things like that there, amen, amen.
You should see what one of our Churches in Town did with their MTV money. The pastors son was on some lame reality show on there. They put this LED Sign up that is 10 times brighter then the sun and they are adding like a whole new section. It makes you sick.
yeah, it's the Telivision show with . they troll online as 12 year old girls and boys and set up a fuck date. Said person shows up and is arrested.