Norfolk Va Parking Ticket

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    No would i fuck,but this aint about me.
  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    If the only choices I had were to pay the ticket or to have an outstanding bench warrant for my arrest in VA, then I'd pay it. And at some point you have to consider the cost of all the hassles of trying to rectify the situation. Is it worth 80 bucks to go through all of that? I honestly think systems like speed camera ticketing are designed with that in mind. It's easier to fork over the money than it is to fight for what's right.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    ...said the victim.
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    actually it's easier to pay and then SUE FOR DISTRESS AND LOSS OF EARNINGS!
  5. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Yeah, and if you do just pay it, what happens when the next ticket comes? You'll have already set a precedent(or however you spell it). Sorry man. It looks like you're already the victim. I think you should write to the papers, like you said. Sunlight is the best antiseptic, and all that.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I reported the tag stolen today. If she gets stopped again, she gets arrested.

    Karma is a bitch.
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Barry, you're such a scrooge.... ::)
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I got a ticket in Memphis TN. It wasn't my car I was driving around town for a friend cause they didn't know the way. I went thru a yellow light and when the cops got to the window of course it was red.... I paid the overpriced ticket. Now skip ahead 2 years I'm on my honeymoon. I had a speeding ticket to which I was speeding no question. I knew I was going to be out of town so I called and made sure I could pay it and sent a friend down to pay it cause I had been so busy.

    He did it a couple of days after we left. He gets there and they tell him that I have to come to court cause it was 2 miles over the 10 mile limit the judge has set as a mandatory court appearance. Well we are at a boat dinner and the cell phones are not allowed aboard and I already paid 100 bucks a pop for the dinner. I had to get off the boat to take the call. While I'm on the phone the boat leaves. So I'm pretty hot at this point. I finally get someone on the phone and get my court date moved then get into it with the women over what she had told me and what she told him. Well I go to court 2 months later.

    Well first thing is they take care of all the Mexican first. They have a court appointed interpreter. None of them speak English, All of them have one thing in common. All have a ticket for driving without a licence or insurance. Not once does the Judge as if they have a green card or anything to prove they are a citizen. He gives them fines and lets them go. Then he tells the rest of us if we just come up and pleaded guilty that we can just pay the fine and nothing will appear on our record of go on our insurance. Nice money making scam huh extortion much.... So anyway they finally get to me.

    I come up to the stand and I notice a deputy steps to my side and unsnaps his pepper spray then puts his hand on it. Then a women comes from the back. The judge then starts talking about my argument with the women on the phone. I explained to him why I was upset and that this had nothing to do with my offence. He told me I had to apologize to the women. I again told him that this had nothing to do with my offence and I would in no way apologize to this women. That the last time I checked I still had the right to freedom of speech no matter if someone liked it our not. He said if I wanted out of there I need to apologize, I said so your holding me against my will? I asked what he thought the Arkansas Bar association would think of that. Which now the crowd in the courtroom were getting annoyed at both of us. After mention the Arkansas Bar he backed down gave me a 500 dollar fine twice what he gave anyone else and told me he would put me in jail if I had any more traffic violation in the next 3 months.

    Skip to a month later, I and my wife are getting joint insurance. Well the people call back and tell her they can't do our policy as my DL is suspended and I have a bench warrant out for me. Of course I call bullshit and try another company same thing. So I call and sure enough I have a bench warrant and a suspended DL for the ticket from Memphis of all things. A ticket I know I paid. Also if I had not paid the ticket and had a bench warrant & a suspended DL it would have came up when I was pulled over for speeding as the ticket was over 2 years old. So they tell me I need to call Memphis PD and find out the details. I go thru my records and find my receipt. So I believe I'm covered. I call them and they tell me they have no arrest warrant issued for me and show the ticket as paid in full. I have them look more and find out the arrest warrant is out of my county.

    So I go down to the court house with the receipt and show them the proof I paid it. They tell me I could have counterfeited it. So I call MPD again and have them fax a copy to them. This they except. I ask for the records. Turns out the women I had gotten in an argument had went into my record and marked the ticket as unpaid in the Arkansas records. Oh and guess who signed the arrest warrant the same Judge and it was all done like 2 days after my appearance in court. I got it all straightened out and got that bitch fired. I filed a complaint against the judge with the Arkansas Bar and got a judgment in my favor but lack of evidence made it basically a draw.

    The reason I told you this Barry is watch your ass in these ass backwards southern towns they do what they want. This could turn into a real pain in the ass.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I can appreciate what you are saying. You obviously were mistreated and harrassed, but the bottom line is that you actually did somethingwrong to ge a ticket.

    The only thing I did wrong was failed to take my tag off the car. Now that was bad judgement, but it is not in any way a civil offense or crime.

    The parking ticket is not a civil offense either. It is basically not even a misdemeanor. A parking ticket falls into that gray area of law that can barely be enforced.

    The bench warrant they are talking about is for my failure to appear. THAT is a civil offense. The fact that I was never notified, was not the owner, etc have no effect.

    The bottom line is that they can't do anything to me. My attorney said that a failure to appear for a "non moving" violation can't really be escalated to a misdemeanor. He said that they are just threatening, and to ignore it.

    I won't ignore it. It's just not my nature.
  10. improtected

    improtected New Member

    it's always more difficult to do the right thing. especially when you know it's wrong. chin up.
  11. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yeah but Barry they don't give a shit if you did it or not. It's kind of like when you go in the Hospital and they are going to work on your right knee. Well the lady puts the cut here sticker on the left. They don't give a fuck cause they will get paid one way or another.

    This will fuck up your insurance and all sorts of other stuff. It's the things you don't think about that will get you on this.
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    if i was you barry, I'd blame, the Jews.
  13. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Am I missing something here? I think maybe what you did wrong was not have the tags transferred or removed before getting the car. The cops and the judges don't like that because if your former vehicle is involved in some kind of crime or accident it may take alot more manpower and work hours to track down just who is responsible. Now if your car was involved in a drive bye shooting. Well, No, I don't think you are going to have to go to jail for murder. However, if your car is involved in a bunch of parking ticket crap and you didn't transfer the tag. Well, the cops got better shit to do than spend 10-20 hours and 1-5,000 dollars of man hours later tracking down the real culprit to pay the 100 dollar fine and arresting the real driver for being dirt poor and too stupid to realize that they might own the car but not the tags and then spending a couple more thousand in court costs and jail expenses prosecuting them. Now, if you reported the tags stolen I'm not sure if a law applies to that but I'm pretty sure that if they arrest someone for stealing a car that was donated to them there might be a problme with it. In the end it is the good people of Virginia that are going to pay upwards of a thousand dollars for you not paying the 2 dollar transfer fee when they ultimately arrest this person. But, WTF I guess it happens all the time.
  14. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    getting should read donating
  15. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Are you saying someone operated on you and got the wrong knee because a nurse put the mark on the wrong knee? I just want to know if you are making this up. Also, I wonder what you were doing when they went in to verify which knee it was. Did you say oh yeah hah ha ha this is the knee thinking the joke was on them and not realizing they were making a mark to determine which knee got operated on? Please provide more details for this very interesting story you have related.
  16. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    As for reporting a tag as stolen that wasn't stolen I am wondering if you might be getting yourself into more legal trouble of a potentially more serious nature.
  17. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    ....also I'm sure you wrote the car off on your taxes for much more than it was actually worth and so not only are the good people of Virginia getting screwed but the good people of alabama are getting reamed without a lube job as well.
  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Google it. It happens all the time. It never happened to me but they have had stories on CNN and all that shit. In fact they went to a sticker system because of wrong things getting worked on. I think there was a story recently about a guy getting the wrong ball removed.

    I mean is it to much to ask that my Doctor know his left from his right?

    Also I have to agree with you for once. Reporting a tag stolen that isn't stolen and can be proved as not being stolen might make things even worse for Barry.
  19. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    The fact is when that happens they pay out the ass in a huge settlement. That is why the doctor verifies it and makes the mark after specifically asking the patient and verifying the side as well as checking the charts. I have seen this done multiple times in "preopting" before scrubbing in on surgeries.
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It was stolen. I made it very clear it was not transferable. The person that got the car promised to dispose of it. She knew that it was illegal to use it. She hasn't even transferred the title into her name. I could easily apply for a replacement title, and claim that an unauthorized use of the car.

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