Brawl Hall

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Apr 6, 2007.


This place is so dead. Should we start a fight with Brawl Hall just for fun?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    What thinks ye?
  2. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Are you going to go there and tell them their ids are inverted? Let sleeping idiots lie is a pretty good philosophy.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I'm very bored.

    And Dan, you have become boring. I guess in a way that is a good thing, but I really miss your insanity.
  4. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Yeah well, I have to learn a bunch of stuff before I start my residency so I don't kill and maim a bunch of people that are admitted to the hospital with things like strokes . It's not as bad as it sounds though. A lot of the patients are crazy and entertaining enough for the both of us and more.
  5. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    ...besides all that drinking will shrink a man's testicles and give him tits once he manages to burn out his liver.
  6. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    On the upside you get baby soft skin just like a chick.
  7. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    ....from all the estrogen that your liver can't detoxify. Problem is you can die from massive bleeding from gastroesophageal varices or hepatorenal syndrome or hepatic cancer and not have time to play with your man tits with the baby soft skin.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Please publish the tales.

    Changing names to protect the guilty, of course.
  9. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I don't know I guess I could think of some better ones but without straining myself today we rounded at the VA and their was a guy with a girdle on and the characteristic signs of liver cirrhosis from drinking. So the attending who sounds like some guy cast from the nutty professor complete with the whiny voice who really doesn't give a shit what patients think about him but is really on top of his game with a quick mind and unreal memory says to the guy where did you get those and pointed to the guys man tits which were probably the size of the average 17 year old girls tits. This being the VA a lot of the patients are drinkers and smokers but pretty nice and like to joke a lot so the guy says I had them done a few months ago. Then the attending who was rounding for internal medicine but who is an endocirnologist subspecialist within internal medicine says feel that baby soft skin and the medicine resident upper level who is pretty hot but is pregnant says yeah he's got better skin than I do. The guy just laughs and then the attending makes him pull down his pants and measures his testicles and says in his squeaky voice Wellll, they aren't that small and then proceeds to fondle the guy for about 10 minutes telling us how to tell if their is water in the testicle a hydrocele making it look bigger all the while this guy with a girdle on who asks if we want to see his baby which is really a large ventral hernia of his abdomen. So finally the guy pulls up his bvds and puts his girdle back on.
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Alright so I am rounding with the same endocrinologist today at the veterans hospital and he is pulling out his stethescope to listen to some guy's heart who is a newly diagnosed diabetic who passed out with a blood sugar of 1039 and they had given him 10 L of fluid the past few days due to the osmotic diuresis he had from the high blood sugar and as he is pulling out his stethescope a bunch of yellow round things about 20 all attached together come out of his pocket. The black guys says whad's dat? The endicrinologist says I'm not going to tell you that. Then he says those are plastic testicles to help me measure people's testicles I am a hormone doctor. The guy in the other bed say well you better get out your tweezers.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Too funny.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's okay, man... you can tell us. We're all here to help you.


    Show us on the doll where they touched you!!!
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Right here is where they touched me....

    and the memory remains.
  14. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    WTF is brawl hall?
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    iT'S THE SHIPYARD your mum sucks cock at, to pay her crack addiction
  16. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

  17. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Thats 'liverpool docks' dickhead.

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