Intra-personal relations with a co-worker 14 years your senior...?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    So I've been working my magic on this gal at work, inadvertently most of the time, and as it turns out, she seems to have fallen for me. She buys me shit, she circumvents work policies for my benefit (completely against her character, mind you), managed to call me a total of 9 times on her day off, and, as of yet, I haven't even used her to keep my dick warm for a while.

    My question is this... She needs cock, I need pussy, I think we can help each other out in this regard, but I fear that she's "falling in love" and it might not be as 'cut-and-dry' as I originally intended. Granted, I don't mind the free shit, or the special treatment at work (just wait until I train her like the last work interest I had... there'll be no private room in that building that we haven't fornicated in) - I just worry about her turning psycho on me.

  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dont do it nigga... but if you do- do it, holla at ya boy.[... or at least imagine ya boy.... as i am now.... drunk witha a jacket on..... for the last 40 minutes.... it is what it is.... just make sure the juice is worth the squeeze..... eaaaaasy
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    If she is 14 years older than you she should be a little up on the game. Maybe her buying you stuff is her way of putting the moves on you. Plus she could be your 'sugar momma'

    Knock the bottom out of it, and act like nothing happened the next day at work. Dont act different.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I gotta poop on deck that would choke a maggot.
  5. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Get her to invite you over for dinner, go to the bathroom and make sure she is not taking any medication related to mental "issues", if she is enjoy the meal, leave and run. If not, make sure you play your cards right and don't give her the impression that there is going to be anything more than "friends with benefits".


  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    But what if she keeps her medications in the condoms and sharp, pointy instruments drawer in her bedside cabinet? Should he risk doing a runner by that stage or proceed with penetration?
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Are you her supervisor in any way?
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    At first I thought "fucking pedophile" and then I realized that she was like, 42.

    I make fun of my boyfriend for fucking a 42 year old when he was 33, so I can't really give you any good advice.

    But, I can say that messing around with co-workers is a bad idea period. If things don't work out and you end up dating another co-worker, you'll be even more messed up. I had this w/my last job. We both messed around with people we worked with and it made shit so awkward.

    If she's calling you 9 times a day on her day off, I would be scared. She sounds clingy already and once she gets a good dicking, she'll be trying to have your baby... and the likelihood of it having Downs greatly increases with a woman's age.

    I think a woman who is going after someone 14 years younger than she is already has issues. If I live to 42, I wouldn't be chasing around a 28 year old. I will only date someone 3 years younger or 6 years older.
  9. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    We're all god's children in the dark.

    My experience with people and the should I/ shouldn't fuck personX dilema is this: you already know you're gonna, but you also know that maybe you shouldn't.

    But, since she's older and more experienced, she might want only sex. Personally, when it comes to having less bullshit and drama in a relationship; I'd take an older woman over a younger.
  10. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Seeing as our hopeful fornicator has survived dinner, he should by all means be rewarded for his patience and perseverance with some full on psycho sex, there is no sex quite like crazy sex. One can only surmise from his past submissions that he does have a soft spot for the mentally unbalanced.
  11. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Jizz in her face, spray her with mace, see ya on myspace!
  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I don't think you should worry about her getting too attached. All you'd have to do is show her this thread and she'd never speak to you again. :)
  13. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Sounds like an exciting friday evening in the Bungle house.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You only live once Lomo GO FOR IT!

    I've seen lots of hotties between 40 and 50 that I would shag without a second thought. Checkers had as good point I would not ignore but I'm with Bungle on this one. I think she is likely at that prime age for a good friendly no strings attached fling.
  15. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    One of you is gonna end up leaving or getting sacked and ive got my money on it being you lomo,let us know if im right i got a fiver on it.
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's going to happen. No bones about it (except mine, of course). I think it will work out well, she's constantly (in a subtle manner) rubbing up against me, I've felt her breast more times with my tricep than I can count, I spank her when nobody's looking, and just the other day, when she wasn't looking, I changed the greeting on her phone to say "Panties optional" - she text'd me the next day to inform me that she wasn't wearing any. It'll happen sooooon, but I've been busy as a dyke in a hardware store lately (school projects, tests, taxes, etc) - most of that is over already, so like I said... soon.

    I've always enjoyed the company of a lady older than I, for some reason they are always grateful to get a hold of some young dick, it boosts their confidence, and the sugar-momma aspect is, quite honestly, "very niiice."

    She's had her tubes tied, and this I found out long ago, before the interest factor kicked in. This also means that I should be looking in her medicine cabinet for some other types of prescribed medications, if ya catch my drift. Oh, and Kelly - I'd like to hear your opinion again when you get into your 40's - My guess is that it'll change a bit... ;)

    I can't believe I didn't mention the single most inviting part, and a fundamental staple in my desire to viola...err, enjoy this woman's body in every way possible. I'm about 90% positive that she has a full set of dentures.


    Just imagine the possibilities.

    I can't wait to tell her, "Why don't you take those things out so I can get to know ya...?"
  17. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

  18. Disorder

    Disorder New Member


    I dunno what it is, but its always been a boyhood fantasy thing to think naughty things about your friends mum or whatever, perhaps it just stays with us as we get older. I've had experiences with a woman 11 years older than me but sadly she didnt continue for long(her husband probably found out)

    Anyway, good luck with Operation: Wet Dick

    That is all.
  19. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I have a friend in his early 50's (recently divorved, now dating) that tells me women at that age are very receptive to freaky desires. They are not, however, less prone to clinginess by age alone. Keep it aloof and KTBO.
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    Well, it's "Fiesta" time here in San Antonio, which means that every spic this side of the border is celebrating their roots in the most appropriate way possible - by taking the entire downtown area and partying like it's the end of the world. I love this sort of shit, and am glad to be right in the middle of it. Despite my racial handicap, I feel right at home during this week-long festival of indulgence.

    I get a call after work from her daughter (19, never met), whom is downtown with her mom, with an invite to partake in the festivities. Nevermind the group lab project I was supposed to work on tonight - I figured tonight was the night to take that next step. So, I get down there, meet her daughter for the first time, the three of us enjoy a bit of carnival fun (rides, etc.), and I ended up driving them home (dropping off the daughter first, of course) - It wasn't long afterwards that I made my move, and it was well received.

    It's still too early to say, but I'm thinking that she's got her sights on something serious, and to be quite honest... I think I might pursue this. This is completely out of character for me, but it just feels right. At any rate, we'll just see how it goes the next few days - should be interesting.

    Damn... I have to add... I met her for lunch during my shift, and she was just getting ready to go out for the evening... Damn, that shit looked good... She's got a great body - toned, proportionate, and I just can't wait to give it a *complete* workout (tonight was just a preview)...

    ***Overheard during the evening, after I met her daughter and spend some time with the two of them, a conversation between the two of them, spoken while they thought I wasn't near:

    [Daughter] - I'm not going to ever call him "Daddy"
    [Mom] - I sure will, though...

    ;) (the statements kinda lose a bit of effect when typed, but picture hearing that conversation between mother and daughter - it was satisfying, and at the same time, I had one of those 'whoa' moments (when you really put things into perspective)...

    But yeah, things are going well, and the beer and 5 shots of Tequila I had at the bar on my way home are really starting to take hold...updates to follow... :)

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