Did you see the video of them rolling her into the coroners office? Or the morgue, whichever, when she had the red carpet draped over her. She filled the gurney(SP?) up and then some. I will see if i can find a still.
I saw what you are talking about and I'm not sure why she looked so big. She wasn't. This picture was taken days before she died:
Really? Damn. I saw that clown video and it freaked me out. Then I saw the Anna Nicole as Pennywise and it really scared the hell out of me.....
Why would you know what Michael Jackson in drag looks like? were you one of the special kids that got to go on the neverland tour as a youngster? My favorite was the lama rides........
Tito used to dress me up in an ET costume and beat me, all the while screaming "ABC, 123, what ever happened to Mike and me" then things would get progressively uglier and he would end up kicking me down the stairs while sobbing "the moonwalk was mine, the moonwalk was mine" I'm sure your experiences were similar, those walmart gift cards were earned.
I was actually hoping it wouldnt have been any of theirs. The DNA would have came back with a positive match from some dope dealer with two strikes. That would have been funny.