I have a new plan to keep my ferns from being stolen again. I bought a dog, and put him outside. He's there all night, keeping an eye on things. Or maybe just keeping an eye out. Hard to say.
What you need to work on is some Oxy-Clean for the shorts you ruined while making that stain on the deck. Have you tried some Immodium AD, or actual Lomotil for the problem? You should really get that checked out... Hope that doesn't happen in public...
There is nothing wrong with the dog's eye. The fact that he only has one eye might be a problem....but the one he does have looks fine. PS - I found the picture on the internet. I do not really have a watch dog. Do not call the ASPCA.
Oh yeah... duh. I get the whole "eye out" thing. I'm slow. I've been bleeding for 4 months now. I think some of my brains slipped out of my junk.
You need two IVs, really... One to secrete a glucose-based nutrient solution to the body, and the other to anesthetize the subject to the point that they cannot remove either feeds. Be careful to monitor the dose of the opiate-based sedative, as the subject will build a tolerance within a week at the earliest (depends on the dosage, and the individual's drug usage in the past few months). Don't forget to add a catheter to the urinary tract, or you'll have a surprise. Renal function usually disappears after a few days in the absence of solid foods, so it's a minor concern. PM me if you have any specific questions...
Baby... I'd have never done anything of the sort to you (without your permission, of course...) Oh yeah, I almost forgot... Wanna fuck?