Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at this

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Thanks... It's been garaged since '73 (I believe), fucking amazing car - you open the door, and it still smells 'new.' I can't wait, honestly. My folks have a few interesting vehicles stored right now, including my very first car, a '57 Oldsmobile 88, which belonged to my great-grandmother. She drove it to the store once or twice a week, probably 30-40K original miles. It's going to need a new driver's side window (one day I slammed the door shut too hard, and it just cracked all to hell. Interestingly enough, it's that sandwiched saftey glass, so it's still intact), and there's a single crack on the front windshield right where it makes that 90 degree curve. That's going to be a bitch to find a replacement. It's a coupe, and apparently they only made 7000 of 'em. Looks like this one, but two tone blue and white (needs new paint, though):

    The thing's like a tank with two built-in couches. They didn't fuck around when it came to seating back then.

    Also, the battle-torn ex-hunting vehicle that got it's fair share of abuse on the ranch, a '65 International Scout.

    Lots of fun memories with that one - It'd be fun to fuck around in, but it's got about 90 degrees of play in the steering wheel, and a cracked exhaust manifold. Not really a priority, of course.

    Then my dad's still got his college car, been in storage about as long as the Chevelle, a '63 Porsche 356B coupe. That's going to be fun to have, too - but it's really the Chevelle that I'm excited about.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    I bought a new Ford escape today
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    yes barry, i steal everythn I own, with a crack steam in my mouth, can i date (i.e rape) your daughter?
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    The Ford Escape is pretty nice. What color did you get?

    My bf has a Passport... much like a Rodeo.

    I'm a coupe person myself. I miss the 90's Dodge Stealths and the Nissan 300 ZXs.

    As far as the 2000's... I liked the Cougars (but they quit making them) and sorta like Tiburons. But my next car will be a G5.
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    the ice silver, which is a blue/silver. It was loaded, I lucked out, my brother started selling cars at a ford dealership, it came into the lot, 22K miles, and I got it for $24k. It has the 6 disk in dash, satalite radio, all the other bullshit. it's tricked out, they were asking 436K so I got a good deal
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    The Passport was actually made by Isuzu for Honda back before they had a 'real' SUV of their own design - identical vehicles, except the Honda version base model was the Isuzu version's "next step up" - they didn't have a 4-cylinder, none of them offered a 5-speed manual transmission, and I'm pretty sure they all had power windows/locks/cruise/etc. The only bizarre difference I noticed while shopping around is that the Honda version used a cheap, hard plastic armrest over the center console storage unit (the elbow-rest), where the Isuzu version had the padded armrest. Always seemed kinda backwards to me. Everything else was the same, except for some minor trim details (grill and side mirror paint only on the 98+, and on the older ('97 and before) model, that "D-pillar" that the last side window meets is painted to match the vehicle color, instead of the flat black they used on the original Rodeo.) That, and if memory serves, the hollow headrests that Isuzu put in their vehicles to let you see through them when changing lanes were replaced by padded ones (and then Isuzu ended up copying the Passport version shortly afterwards - go fig).

    Regarding those Cougars, I like the taillights - they always reminded me of mannequin tits. And as far as the Tiburon goes, I've always been fond of that car. If I had my choice, I'd go with the Elantra GT hatchback - that's a hell of a lot of a car for the money, and it doesn't look half bad as long as you resist the urge to deface it with an F-1 spoiler on the trunk lid and a coffee can on the exhaust pipe. I hear that every racing sticker gives you an extra 5 HP, too... ;)
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Listen computer geek....I know that your have shed your old image. You lost 100lbs, enrolled in college and are doing great. You stopped drinking, quit pointing guns at neighbors, and shutdown the tattooed scumbag website in exchange for a myspace page. You are working your ass off and taking life seriously, and it appears you bought a new ride that you obviously had to work hard to get. I am actually very impressed with your determination and success, and am proud to call you a friend.

    (Don't expect any further affirmation. This was a one time thing.)

    As far as dating my daughter, give her a call. My oldest is living on her own, and is expecting her first child soon. Probably not interested in you anymore. My youngest is still available though. She requires about $500.00 a week for food, cars, makeup, clothes and bling. Deny her, and she will spill your guts on the sidewalk. You can have her. I can't afford the maintenance fees.
  9. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Well Gramps, at least we know who the mother is!


  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Checkmate! Good to see you... How the hell are ya?!?
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    looks like yor family has a nice selection of old iron. Would love to get my hands on a Chevelle like that, my aunt had one I think it was an SS clone though. 69 396 TH350 200shot NOS. It would fly. She would take us to Dairy Queen on friday nights in it. She would race all kinds of people. All the 18 year old punks in their monte carlos and mustang 5.0s would rev it up at red lights and jump at the line like they wanted some. A couple of revs of the 396 and a quick purge of the NOS through the wiper cowl you could see the lump build in their throats. She would pump the gas off the line and the front tires would lift about three inches, 4:10 Posi in the rear, with some mean street slicks. then there are 4 kids in the backseat with chocolate all over our faces laughing at them with the little rear windows rolled down..... ;D

    the good old days.....
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Good deal? I'd say that you got a helluva deal!
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Geez. You know your history of the Passport/Rodeo's, don't ya?

  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    best part, i have drivven the thing, all weekend, and have not had to goto the gas station once. Hybrids are the shit
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    You talking about the car or the doll?
  16. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    I'm well thanks Lomo, I trust everything is well with you, and I hope you're doing well in your latest pursuits. Also check your PM's. you have a new one.


  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Re: Dwayne - tell IHN to pull his dick out of the Llama for a sec and look at th

    Weird thing about them is that they get better gas mileage around town then they do on the highway/interstate.

    2007 Ford Escape Hybrid Summary
    The 2007 Ford Escape Hybrid is a 4-door, 5-passenger sport-utility, available in two trims, the FWD and the 4WD.

    Upon introduction, the FWD is equipped with a standard 2.3-liter, I4 , 155-horsepower, hybrid engine that achieves 36-mpg in the city and 31-mpg on the highway. The 4WD is equipped with a standard 2.3-liter, I4 , 155-horsepower, hybrid engine that achieves 32-mpg in the city and 29-mpg on the highway. A variable speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims.

    The 2007 Ford Escape Hybrid is a carryover from 2006.

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