Anyone got one or know anyone that has/had one? I'm thinking about getting a used one. I think they are ugly, but safe.
What did you do to the Volvo you were born with? I didn't know that you could wear it out, or that your volvo was replaceable.
Just got to lube it up and it is good as new. Have a good mechanic look at it next thing you know its got a stiff upper lip and ready to run another 100k (That's hundred thousand miles unless you seek the assistance of a french mech.) leave the protection to the driver they got rain suites you know.
I've heard that they're excellent cars. Reliable and very safe. The new designs aren't too shabby looking, either. If the price is right, go for it.
Yeah but who wants to live forever? Might as well be euphoric from the overproduction of adrenaline when you slam your 120pmh roadster into a tree. Also do you have a family? Because thats what they're really for; the protection of said family. Live a little. If you don't you'll turn into my someone like my Father and he's boring, miserable, pessamistic old coot who never takes any risks and never spends any money because he's such a boring sod.
The new S80 has a heartbeat sensor you know, in case there is "a murderous criminal hiding in the back seat" and I think it's the one that brakes for you if you get too close to the car in front of you or some shit like that. I don't have 40k to spend on a car. I was thinking about a used one with a dickload of miles.
LOL, well it was a joke, my point was volvos arn't 'fun', but you dont want fun do you? The Germans make efficient and generally safe cars and if you dont goto their parties they'll come getcha'
The swedes make volvo? huh. Didnt know that..... Explains a lot though..... on another note, has anyone else noticed how volkswagens all smell the same on the inside? I dont think the new ones are that bad, but the beetles and old rabbits all smelled the same.......