Russian shock at 'gagged' babies Russian prosecutors are investigating allegations that hospital staff in Yekaterinburg gagged babies because they did not want to hear them crying. The patient at the hospital in the southern Urals who reported the case heard the children's muffled cries. She used her mobile phone to film a baby lying in a cot with his mouth taped, while others had dummies taped to their mouths. They are all orphans. The case, covered widely by Russian media, has caused deep shock. Russians are used to scandals in the hospital, but this case has touched a raw nerve, says the BBC's Richard Galpin in Moscow. Criminal probe The patient who reported the incident, Elena Kuritsyna, had been in the hospital with her own children. Elena Kuritsyna spotted the babies during a visit to the hospital She said she heard the suppressed crying of young children in the next ward. "I heard that a baby was mumbling in a neighbouring room; when I looked in, I saw the baby with plaster over his mouth; he could not cry or do anything, was just mumbling," she told Reuters television. She approached the nurse in the ward and was initially told to mind her own business. Children were crying too loudly, and distracting nurses from their work, she was told. She eventually persuaded the nurse to remove the plaster, but she says that afterwards the nurse did it again. The nurse has been suspended and on Wednesday the head doctor at the hospital was reprimanded. Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation, and say they have discovered that sticking plaster was used more than once. "Children in the first year of life were systematically gagged with sticking plaster to make children behave quietly," the prosecutors' press service said. It is alleged the babies were silenced because there were too few staff to deal with them.
This is the genius ideology of Russian science that the Democrats, UN, and all the other socialists would like for us to embrace Sick fuckers
dude, are you on crack? you're honestly using this as an example to prove a point about universal medicine? why go all the way to russia... why not just look north. we pay insane taxes for our medicare but wouldn;t trade it for the world....
You know for the sake of candid discussion I will stop short of calling that a lie but I will say that it is at the least an over exaggeration. People conveniently come across the border all the time for serious medical issues and non-serious medical issues simply neglected due to the red tape. I do have Canadian friends Smiley. On that same note just to show I can give and take I will gladly admit that sometimes the bureaucratic and red tape can be an asset. It is so easy to get really cheap medical coverage here in the states that people I suppose with the time on their hands scheme to extract every last penny of possible coverage that can be had from the system weather social or private. A nation of hypochondriacs they go running to an emergency room at the first sign of a mere sniffle. These are the same people of low moral standard that calculate how to squeeze that last available hour of sick time out of their employer because it is in their mind "There Right" I have honestly talked to these people and this is their real belief and they see absolutely nothing wrong at all with this idea. Then if their employer making observation of their selfish nature passes them by for a promotion they run as fast as they can to their HR rep or to find the phone number of the nearest pro-bono trial lawyer. ...... Hold on I just basically described the whole Democratic Party. My beef right now is with the new socialism we have in place that is championed by the left and protected by the media powers. I see more and more the battle being waged to pervert capitalism in Russia into a state system that will after maximizing profits make the move back all the while having total amnesty from any charges of corruption. A perfect example would be for instance Venezuela. After two obviously fake elections a dictator is boldly born with the assistance of the Democratic party, ex-presidents Clinton interestingly enough well hidden behind the shadows and to a much greater degree and publicly so by Jimmy Carter who openly endorsed the illegal takeover. Here we have an ex Democratic President of the United States, enabling, aiding, abetting, and endorsing a Communist take over of a previously Democratic country. How “Democratic” is that?
Re: Socialized medicine at it’s best. aren't US citizens going across the border into canada to get their meds at a more affordable price?
And here we have the dogma that perfectly illustrates the underlining point regarding the importance of true and accurate knowledge over inaccurate rumor and innuendo, or worse yet deliberate mistruth. I think the answer lies in the fact that there are opportunists moving in both directions across the border. That having been said I think my statement is accurate still from what I can see the benefit that Americans seek to the North is for cheaper medication. To that end it simply illustrates my theory more clearly. While predominate gains in medical development lie here in the states and driven by corporate profits (supply and demand) however bogged down by extreme government regulation and legal costs. (Both are components of socialism exercised more dominantly here in the states) Contrast that against a more forgiving regulatory system in Canada resulting in lower cost results in cheaper medication.
Re: Socialized medicine at it’s best. gains in medical development come where there are real illnesses to overcome, not when profit is to be made. when profit becomes a factor illnesses are invented.
Pimp this is true to a large extent. But would you agree there is a bit of Ying-Yang at play here? Could it be that there is a need for balance? I bitch about socialism true but probably no more than I do about misconstrued popular opinion which is my bigger pet peeve. Let the Capitalist totally take over and we would really be fucked. That is very far from what reality is in my not so modest opinion. It is quite the opposite really one of the most blaringly clear examples of the war against capitalism being waged by use of flat out deceit at this current moment is the issue of global warming. I do not want to beat a dead horse here but just as a good example you should read Boortz’s news bit for today (Will be in archive in a few hours) Go ahead and read it as even the most ardent skeptic would but read it none the less. I doubt I will be able to resist the urge to post it on my global warming post. I fail to see how anyone when really looking at the facts can deny that there is a bit of false propaganda going on here at the very least exaggeration. And if your facts stand up to scrutiny you do not need exaggeration or selective illustration of facts. It is surely not true scientific methodology as I learned it in school in the eighties. And I do not think the laws of scientific reasoning have changed that much since then.
you stop short of calling it a lie? so what u mean to say is that most canadians DON'T agree with the current state of our healthcare system? we are a democracy too joe..... why has it been like this and WILL CONTINUE to be like this for decades.... i don't know what kind of people you know joe but if i break an arm today i have pins in my hand the same day and a cast.... no questions asked no charges paid.... the taxes we pay are INSANE but we continue to pay them willingly.... if we didn't we'd vote in more people like your friends........ but we haven's..... so it clearly isn’t a lie or an exaggeration
So rather than volley back and forth let me say it is true you are a democracy there in Canada and while I only vaguely follow your politics I was understanding the last I checked the been there done that political left trend was becoming decidedly more conservative. I take note of the fact that you admit the taxes are insane. I wish you would at least take note also of the contributions of capitalism in the advancement of science. And while I understand the fear mongering effect of the stories of greedy corporations causing disease just so they can make us pay for an antidote. But really come now that’s insane and there is no reason to believe that the same could not or would not happen in a socialist country especially one with only a pseudo free press. Shall I bring up the corrupt left wing money schemes involving tainted inmate blood? Ever since the socialization experiment of medicine first took place there has been a systematic undermining of our system here. It’s called trial lawyers, unions, and government social programs everyone of them socialist programs under attack within our own boarders and by our own people at the current state of affairs ours is virtually socialized. And do you have a third world country south of your boarder with millions migrating over a year of which having not paid one red cent into the pot from which all this free medicine comes from, but where do you think they go to have their baby? That's right cripple, sabotage, steal deny and distort. All in the name of a forever ongoing philosophical argument. Meanwhile I'll stand on the side of reason and logic and truth. I do not need to distortion to carry the weight of my view it simply carries itself.
Getting back to the subject... The picture shows a baby with his mouth taped. I would bet that the tape hold a breathing tube in place. Taping a babies mouth shut in order to stop it from crying is likely to kill it. I doubt the rumor and photo.
Yeah I'm a skeptic myself. But you should click the link at the top that’s a frame from cell phone footage. It is believable given the abandon rate there and the burden of dealing with the babies by the already tasked government medical system. Also my wife has made a point of thoroughly researching the state of Russian orphanages as well as other countries.
joe somewhere along the line we're getting lost in the translation and not arguing the same thing...... we live in two different worlds and i can accept that as far as stating what's true and what isn't only time will tell